March 19, 2006, 6:41 pm
And probably in the wrong forum, but... what's Bink? Because I was thinking it was the arc of the round, for example the M79 would have a high/low bink and the the Barret would have a low/high bink. Or is it how long you have to hold down the button to fire?
Deleted User
March 19, 2006, 7:33 pm
When you get shot at, your aim gets screwed up. That's bink.
Think of it like this, If yer in a gunfight and you got blasted in the leg, dont'cha think you'll end up missing the next shot because of the fact you got shot in the leg. Kinda hurts ya know very distracting >_>
March 31, 2006, 5:12 pm
plus, the impact makes your nerves give a signal to the brains, which will send another signal to the muscle, making it move. This will seriously screw up your aim.