March 19, 2006, 6:53 pm
Hey, I haven't seen anything on the forums on how to do this, but how would you change the weapons graphics? I know how to change weapon names, but there's several spots of weapon graphics. Which do I edit, or do I edit them all to my selection?
Keron Cyst
March 20, 2006, 3:48 am
March 20, 2006, 6:22 pm
soldat\txt\weaponnames (for naming to weapons)
March 20, 2006, 11:25 pm
Thanks. :)
A couple other questions though. In the 'Weapons-gfx' folder, some weapons have 2 pictures. How would I go about editing them so my weapons show up, or is this going to require some sort of God-like modding ability?
And, is it possible to remove weapons from the menu? There's a few that I want to get rid of, as I have no use for them. Would I simply delete their graphics and their texts in the weapon names?
March 21, 2006, 12:25 am
the two weapons is just the same pic flipped or inverted im not sure, one to look left one to look right
And you could make the menu pics invisible but if you did that to the guns yuo would have invisi-weapons
March 21, 2006, 2:08 am
Thanks. :P Something I didn't pick up on, because the images were so small, and my eyesight sucks.
One final question, then I'll leave you all alone until I come across another problem. I just saw a mod that somehow came up with another solider sprite. I've searched high and low to find a way to do this, but have found none. How do you go about making a new solider sprite?
Also, I'm nearing the end of my project (was a small one). Now, there's a Mods folder in the Soldat directory. How do I implement the mod into that folder, so that people can run the mod?
And yes, I am completely new to modding Soldat. ^^
March 31, 2006, 5:26 pm
you're new, and that's not a bad thing ^^. Just pay attention and keep trying.
about your final question: you gotta go to the gostek-gfx folder, which is filled with little .bmp's. You should get the Gostek editor if you want to mod the soldier itself. (I never used that, but it's probably easier, since modding the gostek is a pain in the butt.) (again, kudos to FM BM for his art)
and... I don't think you should put it in the mods folder. Just put all the files you edited in one master folder (keep subfolders like "gostek-gfx" and "weapons-gfx"), and zip it up. upload it so we can download it.