Pro Play
March 20, 2006, 1:17 am
I understand it now! it only took folling around with it for liek an hour,THE ONLY problem im having is, when everyone spawns, they fall through the level, im sure this this is a simple mistake and it can be easily corrected, plz tell me how and it will be greatly appreciated. TY
The Geologist
March 20, 2006, 1:19 am
Have you made sure to compile the map before playing it?
Pro Play
March 20, 2006, 1:23 am
i dunno, basiucly what i did, was save it to my desktop and just put it in map folder, plz explain what i need 2 do, i wanna put out my new map, its a d-day map
The Geologist
March 20, 2006, 2:07 am
You need to compile your map, for starters. You'd know if you compiled it or not. Don't just save the map to a random place. After that, you should read the
guide for releasing your map.