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"photographer" option
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
April 1, 2006, 10:48 pm
hello all. i have a very simple idea that basically consists of running soldat in other, higher resolutions. before you reply with OMGOMOZODS RTATARD BADDDDDDDDD IDAAAAE, let me explain in further detail.

this option would only have the use of taking screenshots, and the servers would begin with (pm), for photography mode. the host would have the option to run soldat in 800x600, 1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x960, and 1600x1200 (plus widescreen resolutions). if you are a regged user and are using a custom interface, the default interface would be used, minus cursor, background image, and player indicator. soldat would take care of moving the position of the interface stuffs.

now, the special parts of photography mode:

pressing ctrl-f5 would toggle the interface.
pressing ctrl-f6 would toggle damage on or off.
pressing ctrl-f7 would toggle player invisibility (guns and jets would be invisble as well, player cannot shoot).
pressing ctrl-f8 would toggle polygon wireframe mode.
pressing ctrl-f9 would toggle the freezing of the game and player.
pressing ctrl-f10 would toggle freecam (player .
pressing ctrl-f11 would toggle bullet time (no bars).
pressing ctrl-f12 would toggle ragdolls to never disappear (until 32 ragdolls are present).

while in a different resolution, all soldaten would be smaller. the only difference would be how much you can see.

April 2, 2006, 7:43 am
Umm, sounds like a lot of work for no real benefit (not to the masses anyway). I am sure it would be exploited too...

April 2, 2006, 9:42 am
it's good idea, but for little group of people and not for me.

April 2, 2006, 2:39 pm
no one would use it for playing, except for a small mass of people making movies or taking screenshots for specific reasons, for example, making banners, taking map screenshots, or even making a soldat advertisement (ex. banners).

April 2, 2006, 5:05 pm
It's way too much to do and it wont be all that useful, I doubt Michal would ever really consider it.

April 4, 2006, 4:24 am
why not make a program and have it edit soldat when you run it to emulate these effects? im sure if u worked on it you could. btw i am NOT advising cheating. just saying that you COULD but dont have to, make a program for this.

April 4, 2006, 7:54 pm
^because it would extend the view of the soldaten, that would be considered a hack. sorry.

by the way koon, a lot of this (minus the interface, maybe the ragdolls, and the wireframe) would be very easy to do.

Deleted User
April 5, 2006, 3:11 pm
Its good idea Photographing is fun :D!

April 5, 2006, 3:32 pm
I would love this.... LOVE this... LOVE...
why did I just say "love" thrice? :s

BooBoo McBad
April 15, 2006, 10:51 pm
I love it, better detials on zoom, cooler signatures, friends could snap pictures of eachother playing, awesome idea.

April 16, 2006, 2:50 am
 Quote:Originally posted by BooBoo McBadbetter detials on zoom
What do you mean by that? No details would be improved. It just allows higher resolution, which would make the players tiny.

BooBoo McBad
April 16, 2006, 3:19 am
Didn't you say there would be more detail? What I thought you meant was that there would be greater detail, in turn making pictures of players when you zoom in less blurry.

Deleted User
April 16, 2006, 9:46 am
Soldat isnt about 'photography'

April 17, 2006, 9:18 pm
 Quote:Originally posted by EnEsCeSoldat isnt about 'photography'

Truly, but it seems to be something not too hard to make. I think it'd be a fun feature. Otherwise you could just mod your own interface so the were invisible. Or small.

BooBoo McBad
April 17, 2006, 10:16 pm
 Quote:Originally posted by EnEsCeSoldat isnt about 'photography'

No [CENSORED] smartass, it's a tea party.

Some people do use pictures of characters and in game stuff for pages, signatures etc. so why not?

April 17, 2006, 10:45 pm
 Quote:Originally posted by BooBoo McBad Quote:Originally posted by EnEsCeSoldat isnt about 'photography'

No [CENSORED] smartass, it's a tea party.

Some people do use pictures of characters and in game stuff for pages, signatures etc. so why not?

You don't need this mode to do those things!

And some things you already sort of can do

pressing ctrl-f5 would toggle the interface.make an interface with all things disabled and transparant images.

pressing ctrl-f6 would toggle damage on or off./loadwep nodamage

pressing ctrl-f9 would toggle the freezing of the game and player.F10 for the pause (delete "Game paused" in default.txt to get rid of that)

pressing ctrl-f10 would toggle freecam (player .Go to spectators and press up and down simultaniously