Deleted User
April 4, 2006, 4:53 pm
Now I don't know if any of you have come across this lately, but I have. So here's the problem. I'm playing a game with teams at 4 players for red and 5 players for blue. A new guy comes in, and is automatically put on red team (due to the "even teams" option). When he sees that blue is kickin red's butt, he joins blue team, making the teams 4v6. For those of you that play normal, it might not bother you as much, but for those out there that play r/s, it gets rather annoying. Especially when there is no admin there to fix the teams.
If you could fix this so that it makes the teams even throughout the whole game, not just when someone joins, that would help a great deal.
April 4, 2006, 11:55 pm
Some servers have automatic balancing. every minute or so a message will appear saying "Teams Balanced" and it randomly switches players to balance teams.
April 5, 2006, 1:20 am
^You serious? That's friggin awsome. If anyone has the ARSSE script for this, please PM it to me.
April 5, 2006, 2:09 am
Leo's servers have that feature, methinks, so you can ask him.
Deleted User
April 5, 2006, 4:57 am
Really? I didn't know of this. Thanks Koon, I'll let the server admins know about this.
You wouldn't happen to have a link to this program would you?
April 5, 2006, 5:36 am
Well, i can give you the link for his forums, and you can ask him yourself:
You can also just PM him through soldatforums. He's name is simply.. Leo.
April 6, 2006, 2:10 pm
Quote:Originally posted by Eagles_ArrowsLeo\'s servers have that feature, methinks, so you can ask him.
It happens after every game, if I remember correctly.
It pisses me off when these idiots join a game, and bravo is slaughtering alhpa(CTF) so they join bravo and slaughter alpha even more, making people on alpha leave, thus destroying a game that eventually would even out.
The worst is when the player alternates teams constantly to the winners, it\'s different if you don\'t like your team and leave after a couple games of tolerating them, but when you do the aforementioned, you\'re a fool.
April 6, 2006, 2:55 pm
The script autobalance the teams every minute. It's made by mar77a and you will find it here if you search. Script is doing a great job and saved me a lot of troubles. :)
Deleted User
April 7, 2006, 11:20 am
And here's the lock. Its a nice idea but Michal won't implement it into soldat itself. He's stopped developing the admin program because third party programs are mostly just better.