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Soldat Forums - Soldat Maps & Map Making - New Maps
Deleted User
April 9, 2006, 2:41 am
Yes! My latest map is finally completed! It's a tunnel-themed capture-the-flag map, with train tracks and abandoned train carraiges (spelling?). I've also taken advantage of the groovy new light .png files for effect.

Flags are flags, spawns are circles, and crosses are stat guns.



And since you've bothered to read this topic, you also get the concept art for my previous "Ctf_Futile" map; Absolutely free!



April 9, 2006, 2:56 am
Cool layout and a generally awsome design but for the love of Allah its darker than a...than a something really dark. The backround is really nice though as well as the lights. the flags are also really high up and hard to get to. This may cause gameplay issues.

Fake edit:
 Quote:And since you've bothered to read this topic, you also get the concept art for my previous "Ctf_Futile" map; Absolutely free!


I am now stealing this map. But honestly the top of the at map looks quite like a phallus.

Edit: I simply have bad vision.

Deleted User
April 9, 2006, 3:11 am
 Quote:Originally posted by PrideCool layout and a generally awsome design but for the love of Allah its darker than a...than a something really dark. The backround is really nice though as well as the lights. the flags are also really high up and hard to get to. This may cause gameplay issues.

Fake edit:
 Quote:And since you've bothered to read this topic, you also get the concept art for my previous "Ctf_Futile" map; Absolutely free!


I am now stealing this map. But honestly the top of the at map looks quite like a phallus.

Don't worry, I left it out of the final design ;) [URL]

It looks dark on the overview and pictures, but you can see your way just fine unless you have eye problems.

April 9, 2006, 3:31 am
>Darkness is strangely delightful.
>Pretty good lighting effects.
>Theme is executed pretty well.

>Soldats get lost on their first time exploring the map - not a big issue there.

April 9, 2006, 3:52 am

Is all I have to say. I love all your maps, and I wish I could get that kind of mood captured on my maps. Wonderful.

Edit: I draw maps during math class :P

April 9, 2006, 4:04 am
I draw maps in math class too.

April 9, 2006, 9:50 am
lol..i draw maps in school too (during breaks and sometimes in classes too ^^).

April 11, 2006, 6:29 am
I also draw maps in mathclass, and of course lunch.

on topic:

the map looks great and ill definatley be giving this one a try, the only issue is withthe darkness. may be kinda hard to play, but overall great map

April 11, 2006, 7:06 am
Great map. It took me a while to work out where to go but once you know, it's really good. I can't really say anything about playability because I was just looking around in it.

 Quote:lol..i draw maps in school too (during breaks and sometimes in classes too ^^).
 Quote:I also draw maps in mathclass, and of course lunch.
Why waste your lunchtime?

April 11, 2006, 12:41 pm
This theme reminds me of all those underground mines on Mars from "Red Faction". It's kinda space-like(too bad, there are some lianas and grass..)

The layout is pretty hard to play on but overall it's a great map with great atmosphere.
Keep up the good work! :]

April 15, 2006, 2:52 am
Ohhh! It's so dark :O

...Nice layout! I had a really good time playing in it and I have to say that I like it!