- Clantag / name: .:RAW:. Red Army Warriors
- Clan leader / Squad leader: Adder
- Members: Adder, Devvo, {~+~NOGO~+~}
- How to contact: AIM: natdawg1210 MSN & email: natedawg1210@yahoo.com xfire: rawadder
- Homepage (if you have one): http://redarmywar.proboards106.com
- Clan age (Clan exists since... ?: couple of days
- Favourite gamemodes: CTF and TDM
- Equipement (own Soldat server, Teamspeak channel...?) not yet
- Where/How/When are possibilities for a tryout?: post application on website above for a tryout
- Clan results: none yet. we hope too
- Aims of the clan: to have fun, participate in clan wars, and to just be a group
contact me on MSN or AIM for more information.
- Clantag / name: .:RAW:. Red Army Warriors
- Clan leader / Squad leader: Adder
- Members: Adder, Devvo, {~+~NOGO~+~}
- How to contact: AIM: natdawg1210 MSN & email: natedawg1210@yahoo.com xfire: rawadder
- Homepage (if you have one): http://redarmywar.proboards106.com
- Clan age (Clan exists since... ?: couple of days
- Favourite gamemodes: CTF and TDM
- Equipement (own Soldat server, Teamspeak channel...?) not yet
- Where/How/When are possibilities for a tryout?: post application on website above for a tryout
- Clan results: none yet. we hope too
- Aims of the clan: to have fun, participate in clan wars, and to just be a group
contact me on MSN or AIM for more information.