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April 11, 2006, 11:36 am
Ok let me descript about what is that topic.

We got cheater. That cheater has downloaded from some site his hacks and he wants to use it to be better than others. Is he noob?

And now, we got another type of cheater (yeah, that's me). He made hacks and use it sometimes just for fun, for example to capture flag and sit on the floor of map with friends from team to observe how ppl from other team want to get their flag. But he don't need to use his hack to be better, he's good enough in his opinion even if he got ratio 0.5. Now - is he noob? Ppl on Leo's servers say 'Yes you are'. And they don't believe me that I don't use hack all the time.

By hack I mean spazi-cheat, which allows you to fly. And here's the other question: if someone will ask me for my tool now, and he'll tell that he wants only to make fun like me, should i trust him and give it?

Deleted User
April 11, 2006, 11:43 am
Shut the hells up and die hacker!

April 11, 2006, 11:52 am
If your using hakcs dont give them to other people.

Deleted User
April 11, 2006, 11:57 am
 Quote:Originally posted by DrivenUnderShut the hells up and die hacker!

Deleted User
April 11, 2006, 12:53 pm
Burn In Hell Hacking Mother Fuker.

April 11, 2006, 12:56 pm
That sort of cheating is only disruptive and annoying.

April 11, 2006, 1:08 pm
 Quote:Originally posted by rainriderOk let me descript about what is that topic.

We got cheater. That cheater has downloaded from some site his hacks and he wants to use it to be better than others. Is he noob?

And now, we got another type of cheater (yeah, that's me). He made hacks and use it sometimes just for fun, for example to capture flag and sit on the floor of map with friends from team to observe how ppl from other team want to get their flag. But he don't need to use his hack to be better, he's good enough in his opinion even if he got ratio 0.5. Now - is he noob? Ppl on Leo's servers say 'Yes you are'. And they don't believe me that I don't use hack all the time.

By hack I mean spazi-cheat, which allows you to fly. And here's the other question: if someone will ask me for my tool now, and he'll tell that he wants only to make fun like me, should i trust him and give it?

alright listen up [CENSORED]got, because you are probably going to get banned.

it does not matter why you use hacks, if you do, you are a lifeless soul-less [CENSORED] who does nothing but ruin the game. The only exeption would be someone making hacks and then ether:
1. show them to MM so he knows to update the system
2. fill it with viruses/crap/links to "you are an idiot" and let tards on the internet ruin their computer over it.

you have the ethics of a nazi, you make hacks for a free game, you worthless crap, if you really want to hack a game, go hack some other game, show your skill by doing that.

you and hundreds of other idiots who suck too much at life made the one and only person working on soldat's job 100000 times harder.

when you get banned, please just go kill yourself.

April 11, 2006, 1:15 pm
Now i understand ppl on server... and your nick is rly adequate, a-4-year-old. You want always play like a robot, capture-the-flag then return-to-base. capture-the-flag then return-to-base. Zero fun. OFC i know pseudo gamemodes like dodgeball or something, but tell me rly who's playing that?
Anyway, if you guys would look into fan apps, i made something about 11 other programs for soldat which are helpful.

April 11, 2006, 1:51 pm
 Quote:"is he noob?
What kind of a question is that? It's just an insult that doesn't have a meaning. Might as well replace that 'noob' with 'f*g'.
And yes, you are a f*g.

April 11, 2006, 1:58 pm
Why? In most causes i don't kill anyone..

@low: Why then getting more fun from game without harming ppl is [CENSORED]ing up a game? I wish if Michal would write something here; (

April 11, 2006, 2:09 pm
hacks [CENSORED] up a game, that simple.... therefore, hackers are [CENSORED]ers

April 11, 2006, 2:13 pm
If the cheater wants to hack so that he could be better than others, he is not a noob, rather - he is a butthole.
If the cheater wants to hack to (observe?) but still thinks he is good enough to play without them, then the hacks are unecessary, really.

And no, don't give hacks to others, or else they will distribute them to their friends, and so on and so forth.

Hacking begets more hacking.

April 11, 2006, 2:22 pm
Cool down people, yes hacking does kill the game. But telling the guy to burn in hell and die just because he uses hacks is a bit much, maybe telling him that hacking is frowned upon by many people of the soldat community is much more sensible.

April 11, 2006, 2:29 pm
 Quote:Originally posted by rainriderWhy then getting more fun from game without harming ppl is [CENSORED]ing up a game?

Why can't you understand that you're the only one having "fun". You are ruining the game for others.
Not harming people? You take the flag and hide with it, the game is pretty much over. Such fun indeed, moron.

April 11, 2006, 2:55 pm
cheats will ruin the game, and that's all.. if you use a cheat to feel superior or to be able to do what skilled players can, than yes you are a true noob. since that doesnt seem to be the case than i advise you to use your cheats in your self-made servers because as you already noticed it pisses off the rest of the people (including myself). i even understand that it could be fun, laughing at others while they put some efford to be good while a cheater will do (almost) everything with ease, but it's also sad and gets you a well deserved ban imo.

April 11, 2006, 3:01 pm
I would understand if like, you used hacks offline with bots. I do sometimes to test out certain things with the ganme engine. But, I don't think using hacks online is good. You are disrupting the game for others, and preventing them from enjoying it.

BTW - yeah, umm...you're a [CENSORED]...thingy person...yeah...[CENSORED]

April 11, 2006, 3:03 pm
I wish I had hax. :(

Seriously, if i knew where to find hax, I'd get'em just to try it out. I admit that. I think I would get bored to death, though. I can't imagine soldat being any fun then. What's cool about soldat is the heart beating close-combat parts, where you kinda feel like you just cheated death irl. You don't get that with hacks, man.

I just don't asee what's fun about it. How is it fun to ruin a game?

-VzX- Silverflame
April 11, 2006, 3:50 pm
 Quote:Originally posted by Rhombushacks [CENSORED] up a game, that simple.... therefore, hackers are [CENSORED]ers

yes!!!! for simple minded people out there (ie: rainrider) hax = idiotic therefore haxers = [CENSORED]s get that....................i guess not -_-; i dunno if it gets any simplier than that...DONT HAX 0_0

April 11, 2006, 4:07 pm
I hope you don't get banned for saying what you said, rainrider. You're one of my favorite mappers.

Did you use a translator to write what you wrote?

April 11, 2006, 4:12 pm
Alright, you're probably right. I'll remove that from hard disc.
Rabidhamster: Erm no, but as I said in past, my knowledge about english is that big: . <-- dot.

April 11, 2006, 4:31 pm
so here's the deal:
1) you suck at english
2) you're banned.

The fact is that anyone who makes hacks has no respect for the game and the work it took to make the game. The game was not made to be hacked, it was made to be played the way it is.

If you're some elitist coder or you think you can do something special, why not do something useful instead of work against something you like?