April 13, 2006, 12:15 pm
First of all, I hope this post goes here, I'm not too sure about that.
Okay, most of the mods made today have been made a billion and one times, e.g. WWII, Halo, WH40k etc.
I really want to create a mod but I have no idea about how it should look. I've tried sci-fi several times, but thats not too good for me. Once I created a medieval one, but it wasn't very successful due to the lack of modding capabilities for Soldat.
Anyone got any ideas on what I could do?
Deleted User
April 13, 2006, 1:11 pm
If u tried the future style and the medieval style and didn't made it...the last chance is modern...
April 13, 2006, 1:37 pm
Yeah but modern weapons bore me though. I think I failed in sci-fi because I never had something to follow.
I could try Timesplitters: Future Perfect. However I wouldn't be able to get proper sounds because it is a console game and I can't get accurate graphics because I sold the game.
Area 51 is another option, but has the same problems, well, I never had the game. But I could just use it as a guideline.
So really what I need, fater thinking about it for a while, is a game that I can base my mod on. Sci-fi preferably as I still love that genre. Has anyone got any good games that they love and would like to be made into a soldat game?
April 13, 2006, 1:45 pm
Hmm. I have an suggestion. Why dont u try ur own unique style. Weapons that doesnt exsist. Use ur imagination. Make them shell shaded, make them really awesome. I would like a mod that has different variates of weapons and they are pure. From the imagination of the creator. Not in a game or movie etc. U could allways go to radscyberpunk gun page. Try googling it. SO that is all. Teh Screwdiver has left the building.
April 13, 2006, 2:05 pm
Awesome site! thanks a lot. I think I can get a few ideas from this.