April 14, 2006, 2:53 pm
my ww2 map "omaha_beach"
Edited by Chakra the Admin - bmp's are a good 900k each. Beware.
waypoints doesn't work yet, if anyone wanna waypoint it, mail me...
Deleted User
April 14, 2006, 9:07 pm
look at some shading tutorials, and what i meant by old, is that it looks like its made for an old soldatversion and with a old mapmaker.
good job anyway;)
April 14, 2006, 9:26 pm
I really like the hole theme of it. All you need is a bit more detail. Like a a few bushes, a few craters.. maybe a smashed tank just to give it atmosphere. I think you should make it raining, just to make it all a bit more chaotic.
There is one thing, however, that every omaha beach map maker forgets. it is, ofcourse, supposed to be hard to reach the bunker/top, but it's not supposed to be impossible. Make the beachway alot longer, and make a few craters that you could actually hide in. MAke it so that it's possible for the invaders to actually advance in slow waves.
April 14, 2006, 10:26 pm
i did a lot of thinking before starting making it....
the keyproblem of maps like this i think its the line of sight...
you cant see very long in soldat so i made the beach shorter so the "axis"(red) side dont attack "allied"(blue) on the beach, they are supposed to stay in bunker...
thank you for good words...
i played soldat 2 years ago but i didn't make maps at that time
now i discovered soldat again and i start making maps too...
i shall work more on the map
April 14, 2006, 11:01 pm
please change the pictures to jpgs. it took 2 freaking minutes to load them.
April 15, 2006, 2:43 am
Reminds me of my old mapping times :') Thanks for bringing up a map like this ;)