servername: ultimate war (or ultimate battle)
ip and port:
speed: dsl
not passworded
not dedicated
is realistic
not survival or advanced mode
max respawn time: 2 sec
max team respawn: 5 sec
game type: ctf
player limit: 32
disabled weapons: stationary guns
server loc: louisiana, USA
map rotation: (all ctf) blizzard, junglewar, lypse, laos2,laos,b2b,maya,may2,conquest
weapon mods: none
bots: dark ultimate, holy ultimate
other info: alpha= dark side (it has dark ultimate) and bravo=light side(holy ultimate).
join a side an begin the ultimate war!!!
ip and port:
speed: dsl
not passworded
not dedicated
is realistic
not survival or advanced mode
max respawn time: 2 sec
max team respawn: 5 sec
game type: ctf
player limit: 32
disabled weapons: stationary guns
server loc: louisiana, USA
map rotation: (all ctf) blizzard, junglewar, lypse, laos2,laos,b2b,maya,may2,conquest
weapon mods: none
bots: dark ultimate, holy ultimate
other info: alpha= dark side (it has dark ultimate) and bravo=light side(holy ultimate).
join a side an begin the ultimate war!!!