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Run Dedicated in background
Soldat Forums - Server Talk - Server Help
April 18, 2006, 12:39 am
i am running a background server and was wondering how or where to put:
 Quote:- nohup ./soldatserver
- screen -s -m -S soldat /usr/local/soldat/soldatserver

in order to run the dedicated in the the background. i am running it on a windows box.

Deleted User
April 18, 2006, 12:47 am
create a shortcut to the soldatserver.exe file.
Right-click the shortcut and go to properties.
Change where it says Target: ".../soldatserver.exe" to ".../soldatserver.exe -nohup"
Then just double click the shortcut you just made and soldat server should be running as a process/

April 18, 2006, 1:09 am
thank you jrqp, that really helps man

Deleted User
April 18, 2006, 1:45 am
Dont reply if you dont know what your talking about jrgp...

the 'nohup' and 'screen' commands are for Linux, for windows you have to use a programm called TrayIT!

April 19, 2006, 2:23 am
You can also try
c:> start "" /b soldatserver.exe

On a windows machine, that will start the server in a new process, but the /b makes it not open a new window for the process.

April 19, 2006, 5:13 pm
Unfortunately, "start" is only usable from an existing command prompt. All the /B switch does is force it to use the EXISTING window, instead of opening a new one. So you still end up with a window open.