April 20, 2006, 4:09 pm
I figure that the main annoyance to m79ers is when they come right up close, and blow themselves up on you. At least, that's what always happens to me. To fix that, how about making people who use m79s go slower (e.g. running/flying speed decreased)? I don't know if this would take much programming to implement, or if it would even slow down the game. If someone could let me know, that would be great.
Deleted User
April 20, 2006, 6:10 pm
Wow, this would be interesting, a %speed decrease mod value :O
April 20, 2006, 6:18 pm
no, no nah. Then all the other weapons would have to be configured to give your Soldat a certain speed
April 20, 2006, 6:20 pm
A nice enough idea, but adjustments to weapon balance are only capable by whatever means we can edit the weapons.ini file within Soldat, and all discussion should preferably be based on whatever we're capable of changing.
Theres a few stickies explaining this in more thorough detail.
April 21, 2006, 3:38 am
Thanks for the input, just wanted to put my ideas out into the open :)
April 21, 2006, 3:45 am
To conuzzling for me, are you saying only slow down your soldat while your using the m79? Or make it so only YOU see other people slower. Stupid question but im still confused.
April 21, 2006, 6:50 am
The general idea was that using the m79 capped your speed, e.g. if you tried to run accross the field, you could only go so fast.
Mr. Domino
June 1, 2006, 10:24 am
While I think the M79 is fine as is, I would love to see weight added to weapons. This has the potential to solve a lot of issues with M79 and Barret usage, too many grenades, and dropping a light secondary for another primary. Too bad the game can't allow such an adjustment. :^(
June 1, 2006, 1:14 pm
I'd say that making the areaeffect effect of the m79 stronger will make it better >_< as it is now U can stick the barrel in someones face and pull the trigger and live, as for CTF.. M79 boosting and jumping is ANNOYINGLY ANNOYING.. More effect in the AOF area would kill the M79 user aswell :o
Bink is antoher thing.. When U're up against a barreter U can atleast shot some at him and he might miss.. M79 should be a bit more binked..
My points ov view anyways
June 1, 2006, 4:36 pm
A global fire rate or damage boost minus the m79 would solve it and stop another stupid feature being added for one balance issue.
Also if you verse an m79 in a clanwar they tend to only be used low, if this is the case then just keep your distance? Problem solved.
Mr. Domino
June 2, 2006, 8:47 am
Quote:Originally posted by Dark_NoddyI'd say that making the areaeffect effect of the m79 stronger will make it better >_< as it is now U can stick the barrel in someones face and pull the trigger and live, as for CTF.. M79 boosting and jumping is ANNOYINGLY ANNOYING.. More effect in the AOF area would kill the M79 user aswell :o
The area effect is plenty strong, and the vast majority of self impact explosions result in suicide. If the area effect damage were increased further from "quite a bit of damage" to "self kill," then you'd ruin the only real advantage it has over other weapons which is rocket boosting. The M79 is a horrible weapon; it's a great vehicle for getting around the map and moving yourself, teammates, and enemies around the landscape. It really doesn't take much at all to kill a boosted M79 player -- the only challenge is being able to get your shots in quick enough before/during the jump or be accurate enough to hit from afar.
Quote:Originally posted by Dark_NoddyBink is antoher thing.. When U're up against a barreter U can atleast shot some at him and he might miss.. M79 should be a bit more binked..
The M79 does get binked. :( The problem for many auto users is that they don't understand that if you're close range, bink's not going to help the shot suddenly turn 90 degrees up or whatever. Stay out of the M79's range, and an auto will have the advantage by far.
You guys still don't know how to counter a m79.. Ill tell you, now some of you might need to write this down. Learn to use and auto at an "ok" level and don't run straight at a m79er, attack him when he is reloading. Its hard I know!
June 3, 2006, 4:03 am
Well I find M79's are Annoying, I also love when people use em. Just because their so EASY to counter. Take a Auto, my fav is AK74. Stay OUT of the M79 Range. Keep Moving and just have skill... It's not rocket science... Or mabe to some people..
June 6, 2006, 10:23 am
I agree with Billa^^. Just stay away. It's not like they are gonna kill you from across the screen (chances are there will be an obstacle in the way of the rainbow like arch). I know its hard to stay away if you are both running at each other, but you just have to be smart.
EDIT: when i say running at each other, i mean like in a tunnel, and you are jump-running, and cant turn around fast
June 8, 2006, 3:55 am
Quote:Originally posted by ?You guys still don't know how to counter a m79.. Ill tell you, now some of you might need to write this down. Learn to use and auto at an "ok" level and don't run straight at a m79er, attack him when he is reloading. Its hard I know!
oh what a great idea! so i'll just not play small maps EVER, never go to tunnels, tight corners, use only long range weapons, and never charge aggressively or have fun!!! woohoo, you're a genius that sounds all fair to me.
y'all play rs too much, one of the main reason i play rs most of the time is because most weapons are fair, even ruger because it might hit the leg and ...etc.
anyway, in public servers, according to your suggestion, i should only use long range weapons and quit the game if playing small maps, and never charge aggressively, and probably never walk on land because they might bombard me.