April 24, 2006, 3:32 am
Does anyone know if its possible to use PC game controllers with Soldat. I'm trying to see if I can get my XBOX 360 controller to work with it. The keyboard and mouse is ok but its tricky to do certain things like throw a grenade and jump forward for example even after i customize the keys. Thanks to anyone who can help.
April 24, 2006, 11:52 am
Just stick to keyboard and mouse. Much easier this way.
April 24, 2006, 12:14 pm
With Logitech gamepads there's a program which lets you map the gamepad to keys in a program (it's called "Logitech profiler") - maybe there's a program similar to that for all controllers. However, I tried using it in Soldat a while ago and it was painful to control.
April 24, 2006, 6:34 pm
Thanks guys. Appreciate the help. I'll look into the logitech thing even though you said it was painful for you Frogboy. It just may be the break im lookin for.
April 24, 2006, 6:59 pm
Come to think of it, this maybe a good oppertunity to contact the man himself (the creator)and ask if he could develop a patch or some sort of program that would allow Soldat to support the use of gamepads and other PC compatible controllers. I know that Im not the only Soldat soldier that would love to map the keys to their 360 controller. That controller is so erogonomic, it'll be perfect for the game. Anyone who has played Halo 2 or Call of Duty with it will know what im talkin about. I'd gladly pay for that patch/program. Who's with me! XD
April 24, 2006, 7:59 pm
The amount of people with a "360 controller" in soldat is too low to have consideration methinks, it's really easy to play with standard controls if you've done it more than a week or so. Michal's the only one with any say though, so yea.
Welcome to the community :)
April 24, 2006, 8:28 pm
Yea you have a point there peemonkey which is why i believe that some extra incentive is in order for this sort of thing. The select few that want to have this can just pay another $9 for it. That way we're happy, Michael's happy and everyone gets what they want. And I agree that you get accustomed with the keyboard and mouse but this game would be so much more user friendly if it supported the controller, therefore making it better IMO. Everybody I told this game about can work with the defaults but pretty much agreed with me on this. They also happen to be rabid Halo fans :D.