I'm sitting here at 3:30am, bored outta my skull. So I opened up Photoshop, and hacked away at a few pics and made some sigs. THen I hd this brght idea, that I'd make some "legal" sigs for the forum. Userbars are alway puny, and I have noticed a few people with them. I searched all the userbar sites I could find for a soldat userbar, but got nothing. So I did my own...
Here is the finished product.
Soldat Userbar
Polyworks Userbar
Soldat Forums Userbar
U13 Userbar
Soldat Mappers League Userbar
I plan to make more, when I get around to it. If you have a request for a Userbar, tell me and I'll knock one up. (Only for soldat programs/sites/other soldat related stuff)
You May use any Userbar I post up here.
I will be putting my Userbars up at my website now, so if you wish to request a bar, or wish to ssee more of my work, go to the http://www.freewebs.com/vzxheadhunter/otherdownloads.htm
Modders Retreat (My website)
BE SURE TO REQUEST A USERBAR!!! I am willing to make Userbars, for a little while.
Polyworks and Soldat icon pics shown above are copywright to there respective owners, and I take no credit in the design of those Icons
Here is the finished product.
Soldat Userbar
Polyworks Userbar
Soldat Forums Userbar
U13 Userbar
Soldat Mappers League Userbar
I plan to make more, when I get around to it. If you have a request for a Userbar, tell me and I'll knock one up. (Only for soldat programs/sites/other soldat related stuff)
You May use any Userbar I post up here.
I will be putting my Userbars up at my website now, so if you wish to request a bar, or wish to ssee more of my work, go to the http://www.freewebs.com/vzxheadhunter/otherdownloads.htm
Modders Retreat (My website)
BE SURE TO REQUEST A USERBAR!!! I am willing to make Userbars, for a little while.
Polyworks and Soldat icon pics shown above are copywright to there respective owners, and I take no credit in the design of those Icons