April 28, 2006, 8:13 pm
as the title says,
hiho :)
(btw.. the forum looks bad :P too blank)
April 28, 2006, 8:20 pm
We're getting a new forum btw. Sometime this week.
April 28, 2006, 8:27 pm
this forum is great, it is perfectly uncluttered with random [CENSORED], i dont want a giant intro whenever i highlight a link and who wants huge avatars that are 10-20 times larger than the person's post?
April 28, 2006, 8:51 pm
howdy koil, long time no see! the forums will be different pretty damned soon, don't worry.
what's your [CENSORED] been up to?
April 28, 2006, 9:03 pm
oo.. a familiar face. :)
about the forums.. well, i remember they were more.. eh.. whats the word i'm looking for?
i dont know.. i'm not too fond for all this shades of.. gray.
aa.. my [CENSORED]'s been up to army (according to my 1.5~years old sig). other then that, nothing really.
wazza with you tho? still playing this horrible game? :P
i see the forums havnt changed at all. a mixture of a rabbit and a hampster says hi to me, and a 4 year old uses profanity. ah, its been too long :p.
April 28, 2006, 10:08 pm
koil suuuuucks coooooocks. koil is a jewiiiiiish cooocksucker.
i missed you koil.
April 29, 2006, 12:24 am
I don't play anymore, I just like to troll around :P
I'm actually pretty up on joining the army, it's something I want to do. Right now moving into a new house with my girlfriend, dog and arsenal. Heavily into firearms instead of videogames these days :)
April 29, 2006, 1:50 am
videogames are like firearms without the danger
April 29, 2006, 2:31 am
The only danger in firearms is if there's an idiot around. Otherwise you're fine.
April 29, 2006, 2:35 am
...or if there's an enemy with a sniper rifle aimed at your head. Then your stuffed.
April 29, 2006, 3:15 am
...Clay pidgeons on a burm don't shoot back.