Well, as of right now, it's about an estimated 60-70% done. I still have to add moss (liana) on the rocks, spawn points for more players / other objects and such. I just want some criticism on the basic layout / look of the map so far. I may change the name, or I may keep it. I'm not sure yet, I'll just have to wait and see. I still have to fix some things on the bridge, because the bullets go through it, even though I have solid polygons there, so help on fixing that would be appreciated. So, what do you think of it so far? Thanks in advance =).
I'm not completely finished, so I'm not releasing a download link as of yet.
Well, as of right now, it's about an estimated 60-70% done. I still have to add moss (liana) on the rocks, spawn points for more players / other objects and such. I just want some criticism on the basic layout / look of the map so far. I may change the name, or I may keep it. I'm not sure yet, I'll just have to wait and see. I still have to fix some things on the bridge, because the bullets go through it, even though I have solid polygons there, so help on fixing that would be appreciated. So, what do you think of it so far? Thanks in advance =).
I'm not completely finished, so I'm not releasing a download link as of yet.