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Soldat Resource: Free Map Hosting
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May 8, 2006, 11:59 am
Soldat Resource

What is Soldat Resource?
At the moment, Soldat Resource is a map hosting site for the common Soldat mapper. People who get involved and participate will soon (as development progresses) have access to the additional beta and alpha features, such as uploading files and viewing the most popular Soldat servers.

What are the advantages of hosting on Soldat Resource?
- Free! ;)
- No ads, banners or affiliate links
- Speedy thumbnail and upload
- Very simple, but effective comment system

READ: Apply for Moderator!!
Monday, May 08, 2006

Soldat Resource needs administrative staff! I've created a powerful admin system, but nobody is around to utilize it. To apply, simply register on the site and email me with a few maps that you've uploaded, along with the reason that you should be a moderator. Please don't MSN me about the status of your application. I'll get to them all in time.

My email address is in my profile on these forums.

NEWS: Soldat Resource Released
Monday, May 08, 2006

I've decided to release Soldat Resource a little early in the design process. It pained Yukwunhang and I that we had spent so much time working on it, but there was nobody around to make use of the site. Right now you can view the maps page, as the other pages are under construction.

Recently I decided that Soldat Resource does not need its own forum. I'm not here to separate the forum community. Rather, I am here to build on it. The Soldat community here in the forums is awesome, and I would not want to make a silly mistake.


Yukwunhang: Co-developer and a great friend. Without Yuk, none of Soldat Resource would have been possible.

FliesLikeABrick: For things-to-be! We are planning features that we hope will knock your socks off.

Lapis_Lazuli: Helped with the original concept and got me up and running. Another invaluable member of the community.

Vijchtidoodah: Wonderful at flash animation! Thank him for the lovely menu. Just don't right-click on it...

There are so many other people that I would like to thank, but it would make my list very huge. There's work to be done! All I hope for is that you have fun sharing maps :)

May 9, 2006, 4:41 am
 Quote:Originally posted by Soulsnipa Quote:Originally posted by YukwunhangFinally.


How is it any better than sml?...because you made it? What encourages users to post their maps here, rather than soldatpage, sml, selfkill, or even the new forums where attatchments are allowed? Reason I made sml was because it was original and one of a kind.

A little competition never hurt anyone. I would make another list, but I think the list of "advantages" at the top summarizes it well enough. The main advantage that Soldat Resource over forum attachments is our ultra-secret algorithm for determining popular maps :P

May 9, 2006, 5:44 am
A little compeition never hurts anyone if it was a complete fansite. But what I personally look at in a mapping resource is ALL maps in one place. A oasis for mappers where they dont have to go anywhere else to find mapping tools. Creating more and more sites like this spreads out the database of maps. What average mapper wants to create a map (5+ hours), upload at Forums, upload at Soldat Resource, upload at SML, upload at Soldatpage, and then read comments and reupload at each site after they made appropriate fixes. I almost want to delete SML for this reason. There should be one site for all mappers, that is my farout-ridicuolous opinion.

The Geologist
May 9, 2006, 6:07 am
Someone sounds bitter. Are you really that concerned about the community, or is this just a carry over from previous goings on?

Anyhoo...I like the site. Easy to navigate, I love thumbnails...for mapping purposes it gets high marks imo. Love the icons at the top :D Bright and ahiny.

May 9, 2006, 6:31 am
How am I being bitter? I have no reason to be. I love how you always assume things, however I'm not the one saying this>SML, but of course I'm the one to be arrogant.

And if you havent remembered, community and mapping is #1 in soldat for me

The Geologist
May 9, 2006, 6:43 am
Whoa there...never said you were being arrogant. But to see you raising such a fuss over a comment that was less than three words speaks volumes. Is it too much to ask to take it in stride?

May 9, 2006, 7:58 am
 Quote:Originally posted by SoulsnipaHow am I being bitter? I have no reason to be. I love how you always assume things, however I'm not the one saying this>SML, but of course I'm the one to be arrogant.

And if you havent remembered, community and mapping is #1 in soldat for me

SML has it's advantages over Soldat Resource. You have a forum, a community of mappers and, of course, yourself. My entire operation is starting on nothing but a bunch of code and pretty pictures. You have worked on SML for several years. No matter how good I am at building sites, I won't be able to battle your steadfast dedication.

May 9, 2006, 10:15 am
The purpouse isn't to battle SML anyway, now is it? If we move to the new forum, hopefully a new era will come for custom maps: then it'll be pretty much necessary to make a Soldat Mapping web-ring, or something similiar.

This site looks great in aesthetics, the thumbnail show idea is pretty creative, I hope it won't 'sink' like some map sites do.

Leo Da Lunerfox
May 10, 2006, 3:16 am
Pretty nice site, (Thinks of contributing to the mapping scene again)

May 10, 2006, 5:30 am
I didn't know you were like that Elephant.

May 10, 2006, 8:18 am
 Quote:Originally posted by vash763I didn't know you were like that Elephant.

Like what?

May 26, 2006, 7:47 pm
Nice page, especially the header.
I like the powerup icons on the right. Can i use them in Soldat?
Also nice Code except the tables ;)
Keep on workin'!

May 29, 2006, 2:05 am
Thanks Thomas. About that table thing... It was either going to be tables and good XHTML+CSS or divs and lots of ugly CSS hacks.