NWN Server
Server name: Official Soldat Server
IP: nwnlapis.servegame.com
Port: 5121
Pass: nuklear
Players: A maximum of six, one party. All characters must be legal. There is no PvP currently allowed.
I'm considering running a dedicated Neverwinter Nights/Shadows of Undrentide/Hordes of the Underdark server.
I have all I need and it's ready to go. I'd like to know if there's a considerable number of soldat-ers interested in giving it a go.
To start off I'll be running the original campaign, levels 1-40 welcome, with legal characters only. I may log in from time to time to play, watch and DM, or we can see about running some custom modules.
See here for more details on NWN.
If you cannot connect using nwnlapis.gameserve.com, then ping that address and enter the IP to play.
Questions, Comments?
Server name: Official Soldat Server
IP: nwnlapis.servegame.com
Port: 5121
Pass: nuklear
Players: A maximum of six, one party. All characters must be legal. There is no PvP currently allowed.
I'm considering running a dedicated Neverwinter Nights/Shadows of Undrentide/Hordes of the Underdark server.
I have all I need and it's ready to go. I'd like to know if there's a considerable number of soldat-ers interested in giving it a go.
To start off I'll be running the original campaign, levels 1-40 welcome, with legal characters only. I may log in from time to time to play, watch and DM, or we can see about running some custom modules.
See here for more details on NWN.
If you cannot connect using nwnlapis.gameserve.com, then ping that address and enter the IP to play.
Questions, Comments?