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Radio chat
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
May 16, 2006, 1:42 pm
If you have ever played the game Counter-Strike, you know there is something called radio-chat. You hit a button to choose one of several audio message from a list. E.g. "Follow me", "Stick together team" and "Im in position".

I think such audio taunts would be neat in the Soldat team games, especially survival mode. How would it work then? Well, simply add some audio taunts, when used the pop up both as text and as audio in the team members speakers. There would need to be some spam restrictions of course, but I guess thats a later matter.

What do you think?

May 16, 2006, 5:29 pm
Please use the forums search or browse the latest suggestions. This has been suggested multiple times in the past. Many people agree this would be a nice feature, but anyone who wants it now (clans, etc) use teamspeak or ventrilo in the background instead, since there's no reason to burden MM to add an extra feature like this when it can already be done.