Quote:Originally posted by SoulsnipaYou sure thats not scenery....Thats a ton of smallllll polygons. Hats off if it is, but It doesnt appear that all of it is. Def the wheels.
I'm sure, but you're right, the wheels are scenery... but there arent any small polys that would hinder the gameplay, theres is basicly the rough structure made of "normal" polys and the details made with "doesnt collide" polys.
Quote:Originally posted by Soulsnipa
I dont necessarily care for the pebbled rocks, somehow it should look better, perhaps using grey instead of a red or something. needs more bulk doesnt look like it could support the upper part
no, they are red in the original map, so i'll keep the red here too:
@papasurf: i know how to multitexture but i just dont like it.
@rabidhamster: i'll give them a little more opacity