Well in the recent year I've come to notice that the fact that the calling a jewish guy "a jew" in one of more cases can be offensive is not clear to gentiles (none jewish).
As a matter of fact it is not clear to most Israeli kids in their teen years.
So I ran it with some of my friends, I gave them a simple conversation where a guy called someone else a "a jew" or related the "jew" to another thing such as "this is such a jew map"
And they did consider it offensive, the first thing on their minds were nazi related issues.
So my question is, and this is not a whining thread, I just want to know how many of you realize that the word "jew" can be offensive to a jewish guy without even mentioning the holocuast.
Just like nigger can be offensive to a black guy.
And if you don't understand, tell me if this helps, this is a quotation from www.dictionary.com if u search for the word "jew" you get 3 meanings to it, but then there's an addition, and this is the addition:
Quote:Usage Note: It is widely recognized that the attributive use of the noun Jew, in phrases such as Jew lawyer or Jew ethics, is both vulgar and highly offensive. In such contexts Jewish is the only acceptable possibility. Some people, however, have become so wary of this construction that they have extended the stigma to any use of Jew as a noun, a practice that carries risks of its own. In a sentence such as There are now several Jews on the council, which is unobjectionable, the substitution of a circumlocution like Jewish people or persons of Jewish background may in itself cause offense for seeming to imply that Jew has a negative connotation when used as a noun.
I want to remind you, that alot of words changed their original meanings through time after special historical events effected them, so its not the only word who in original meaning is harmless but it offensive due to thing that happened in the past.
So if you realized its offensive, tell me how and why did u realize it, and if you don't tell me if this explaination makes any sense to you.
I'm not asking if you agree with it, I'm just asking if you understand it.
I realized it was offensive after hearing it used by nazis and kkk, but i really don't bother in asking people if they are jewish or not and no one has told me, plus i never use the word so i think im safe :P
Deleted User
May 19, 2006, 6:07 pm
i used to use the jew word....but now i've stopped, because i realized how offensive it can be...
i relly dont like categorizing people.....or being categorized, it really bugs me when someone calls me an asian, even though i'm white and black. and i incredibly hate it when someone calls me a nip, even though i have japanese descendance, and it's just plain insult. same for chink.
May 19, 2006, 6:15 pm
Ever since one of my douchebag friends started the whole 'jew' sh-it it just got more and more annoying.
May 19, 2006, 9:28 pm
Back at the start of the schoolyear, I once said that our government has some odd jews in it. ( mind you, there are some stupid people in our government who happen to be jews ) I got called a nazi.
For your analogy: nigger is offensive. Just like muhameddan. But, this might be my personal stupidity though, aren't judaists called jews? I mean, even in the Bible, 'The chosen people' are called jews: why is it that if I mention the word jew, a lot of times someone else yells nazi? If I'd call you 'My favourite jew', would that be offensive? No, it would mean that I enjoy talking to you more than talking to RedNinja or ReDevil.
Really, this whole thing is blown up by a lot of people. Ofcourse there are retards who find easy explanations in racial differences for the world's problems and, without truly understanding, they use the word 'jew' offensive. But that's no reason to call everyone saying 'jew' a nazi, unless the context make it clear that he was using it to offend someone.
May 19, 2006, 10:55 pm
I'm a bit confused, do you don't understand the explaination, or don't agree with it?
Because if the latter is the case, then its irrelevent and I'll be happy to answer on MSN sometime.
The Geologist
May 20, 2006, 12:13 am
1) Why then do you have the super-jew avatar?
2) Why start a lounge topic if you're just going to shoot down what people say and call it irrelevent?
May 20, 2006, 12:29 am
I seem to think getting pissed at being called a jew is as dumb as getting pissed at being called a mexican if you are one. Jewish person = jew. Person from mexico = mexican. ya get me?
If we all went around worrying about if we were offending people we'd all be californians.
Deleted User
May 20, 2006, 12:45 am
Quote:Originally posted by peemonkeyI seem to think getting pissed at being called a jew is as dumb as getting pissed at being called a mexican if you are one. Jewish person = jew. Person from mexico = mexican. ya get me?
If we all went around worrying about if we were offending people we'd all be californians.
Quoted for truth.
Be less sensitive, you pussy.
May 20, 2006, 1:20 am
There's a jew in my class, he doesn't mind being called "jew".
May 20, 2006, 1:37 am
You're such a Jew.
Consider this: If somebody called me a whore, and I reacted with a jolly laugh, I would have already defeated the anger directed at me. The end result has been decided by me, as it is by you.
My point is that only a Jew could ruin the Jewish name so badly in one foul swoop.
May 20, 2006, 3:17 am
Oh my... I'm getting corrected by Peemonkey. I would like to point out that foul means offensive, whereas fell means deadly. My idiom is much more appropriate for the situation.
May 20, 2006, 2:46 pm
May 20, 2006, 2:52 pm
Quote:Originally posted by Lapis_Lazuli[CENSORED]ing owned.
May 20, 2006, 8:35 pm
How was my post irrevelant? I understood the explanation, and brought up a personal example along with some points to explain that it's stupid to find it offensive most of the cases when someone uses 'Jew' as a noun.
If you make a thread, no matter how much you try to narrow down the possible answers, people like me will give you other input aswell, like it or not :P
May 21, 2006, 12:04 am
I'm jewish and I agree that thanks to South Park and other great shows the word "jew" and "jew gold" and "this is so jew" is getting a little out of control. Ah well, we've been ripped on for 2000 years, by now we're used to it :P
May 21, 2006, 12:58 am
Erm.. lets see..
ppl have the tendecy to answer just the stuff they can actualy reply to.
Which is why I get someone comparing the word "who-re" to "jew".. ignoring the main point of the historical even who changed the whole meaning of the word "jew".
Unless there was a mass murder of who-res by declairing war on their "species".. who knows.
Demonic I would like you to read your post again, you said you posted irrelevent input .. in your words "other input" and asked why is your post irrelevent .. in the same post. think about that for a sec.
Now after all these remarks, I will try to direct my repsond to the essence of this post.
Jew is was a word to describe the ppl from the jewish religion, its the original meaning.
Through time, certian stigmas had gotten most of the world to start thinking of the jewish ppl as this poster presents:
"Der jude" is ofcourse "the jew".
this is not new though, it was around prior to the nazis, the nazis just used something that was already there.
They turned the jewish stigma into that horrible "fact" and the word "jew" got a diffretent meaning.
So by calling someone a jew, you meant all those horrible things the stigma meant, it didn't just mean "from the jewish religion".
And you can't just reverse 2000 years of doing.. espaialy not in a world where the "the jew" stigma stille exist in so many minds.
Prehapes you didn't get to see it up close, but its out there.
And even if not, its still a sore wound, its only 60 years later..
It still hurts, and its still offensive, and it sure as hell offensive when someone uses it in a middle of an internet game.
We have nicks.. we even know each other's nationality why call an Israeli a "jew" unless you want to hurt him. and if you want to hurt him by calling him a jew, you sure as well understand its offensive.
It bothers me to see stuff like these:
None of those player ever whined like I do, I can understand if some moron tries to inslut me, because I always whine about it.
But I'm the only one, plus its not just soldat, its all over the place, even in place no one knows u, I sometimes get called a jew when they don't even know I'm jewish when they don't even know me because I'm just another "Random player" , just using it a curse.
And you know what makes me laugh the most, when I call a 14 year old kid a "kid" he gets pissed.. as if he's not a kid..
He's 14 year old! YOU ARE ALL around that age, 17-18.. so what the hell are you if not a kid?
a kid is just a word, it never changed its meaning, when you're a kid and someone calls you a kid, it was never used as anything else BUT a kid.
Yet when it comes to "jew" you all of a sudden become specialists in the linguistic department..
Think about that for a while, put aside that special urge this forum has to just be a pain in the ass all the time and try every way possible to just contradict what others are saying no matter what they actually are saying.
comparing "who-re" to "jew" IS NOT thinking about it ..
Quote:Originally posted by Elephant_Hunter
My point is that only a Jew could ruin the Jewish name so badly in one foul swoop.
Actually the nazis did a very good job at that, without being "jews".
And if you still don't understand, tell me what part of this: Quote:Usage Note: It is widely recognized that the attributive use of the noun Jew, in phrases such as Jew lawyer or Jew ethics, is both vulgar and highly offensive. In such contexts Jewish is the only acceptable possibility. Some people, however, have become so wary of this construction that they have extended the stigma to any use of Jew as a noun, a practice that carries risks of its own. In a sentence such as There are now several Jews on the council, which is unobjectionable, the substitution of a circumlocution like Jewish people or persons of Jewish background may in itself cause offense for seeming to imply that Jew has a negative connotation when used as a noun.
you don't understand.. just quote a part, and tell me "I don't get it".
May 21, 2006, 1:17 am
so what do you want jews to be called?
May 21, 2006, 1:21 am
You're complaining about the negative connotations of the word "Jew" while your avatar says "Super-Jew". Are you promoting the stigma too?
Just because a word can be considered offensive it doesn't mean that it is always used that way.
Deleted User
May 21, 2006, 1:24 am
A.) I don't use the word "jew" anyway.
B.) In my opinion, it all depends on how you take it, and how it was being used. If somone says "you dirty jew" then yes, it by all means is an offensive thing to say.
C.) Also, in my opinion, words are meaningless and forgettable. Don't let them get to you is all I'm trying to say.
That's all.
EDIT: Yes, if you're here to discourage the use of the word "jew", then why on earth does you're avatar say "Super-Jew"?
n00bface.. please.. for crying out loud, read the damn USAGE NOTE it says that right there..
And yes my Avatar gives a bit of irony to the situation, its meant too...:)
"Usage Note: It is widely recognized that the attributive use of the noun Jew, in phrases such as Jew lawyer or Jew ethics, is both vulgar and highly offensive. In such contexts Jewish is the only acceptable possibility."
African american ppl? rings a bell anyone?? is that new to you ppl? the fact that some words are actually THAT signifcant that their usage in certain cases are forbidden by the law! (too harsh though in my opinion)
Please remember, this is not an attempt to get you to change your minds, if you don't agree just say you "disagree" .. I'm just interested if you don't understand.
May 21, 2006, 9:22 am
Jewish. Gotta remember that.
Too bad that the word 'zsidó' means Jew and Jewish at the same time. So here I can get accused of being an offensive git everytime I mention the word. Keen.
Captain Ben
May 21, 2006, 1:21 pm
Jew used to be an insult at my school not too long ago, but I never really caught onto it... I'm not sure exactly, but I'd be a bit careful how I would phrase it: If I met a Jewish man and didn't know he was Jewish, but then suddenly found out he was, I wouldn't say "Oh, you're a Jew!", I'd be a tad more sensitive and say, "Are you Jewish?" (Lets hope that made sense).
But in my own thinking, the word "Jew" is derogatory if you say it to one person, but like in the bible's case of Moses leading the Jews, I'd say that if you're applying the word Jews to a crowd of Jewish people then it mightn't be insulting. But meh, I'm not Jewish, I'm Australian and I don't even know any Jewish people (that I know of) so I guess I'm safe.
First of all I want to mention Captain ben that u got it just right, might sound complex to someone who doesnt get it, but the situation itself is complex..
I just have 2 corrections for you.
Quote:Originally posted by Captain BenBut in my own thinking, the word "Jew" is derogatory if you say it to one person, but like in the bible's case of Moses leading the Jews
that's wrong, moses didn't lead the "jews" hea lead the hebrews, jews came from one of the 12 hebrew tribes in ancient Israel (judia), and moses himself never got to ancient Israel.
Quote:Originally posted by Captain BenBut meh, I'm not Jewish, I'm Australian and I don't even know any Jewish people (that I know of) so I guess I'm safe.
You can be australian and jewish at the same time, australian is a nationality, jewish is one's religion.
There are australians who are jewish, and there are Israelis who aren't jewish.
I wouldn't mind ppl calling Israelis "jewish ppl" if the whole world would actually recognize Israel as a JEWISH country, its a small prise to pay for that peace of mind. but that's not the case so from Israel= Israeli.
Captain Ben
May 21, 2006, 3:01 pm
[CENSORED], after just reading the second quote I can see where I messed up.
What I meant to say was:
"I'm not Jewish, nor do I know any Jewish people." There's dyslexia for ya :D But Jewish Australians are a pretty minor group where I am, not too sure what the go is with the rest of Oz, though.
Anyhoo, I'm not that big on the bible, so I'm not surprised I got that wrong... I guess a better example would be a primary schoolteacher's trick question:
"WHat nationality was Jesus? He was a Jew!" Saying it like that doesn't sound bad or offensive (but I'm not Jewish), whereas when Jesus was nailed to the cross, the roman guard put up a sign saying "King of the Jews" (or something like that) that was obviously an insult.
Anyway, I thought that being Jewish was not only a religion, it is also a nationality. This isn't to say that every person who practices Judaism has Jewish blood in them, but are there people who have Jewish blood in them but are Christian/Muslim/Hindu/WhateverTrevor? I've always wondered that. Lets hope I make enough sense that yuo can answer that... I'm all over the place tonight :/
May 21, 2006, 3:15 pm
To take your religion and rape it, as you are doing, is not right. I am no Nazi, and neither is most of this forum. You are low for even bringing this up.
AND... Despite your rude attempts, you'll get no more sympathy than I have for children who don't like being called "kids".
May 21, 2006, 10:12 pm
I didn't want sympathy, I just wanted to know if you understand the reason to why "jew" is offensive in most cases.
And those kids dont need sympathy, they'll just grow up one day and it will all be over.
Unfortunatly that's not the case with us "jews" :)
To answer your question mister ben, erm inorder to be jewish, you need to have a jewish mom.
that automaticly makes u jewish... when I say "makes u jewish" it doesnt MAKE u .. its just means that if u want to be considered jewish for religious orginazations then its your mom's origins they look for.
Often you see kids mostly from russia who want to come to Israel and live here.. and they have a jewish father, but their mother isn't jewish, so Israel don't recgonize them as being jewish.
that's important because when Israeli was establish it was decided that every jewish person on earth can become an Israeli cidizen if he's jewish. automaticly... and it still is like that.
bah.. wayy off topic.
May 22, 2006, 3:22 am
Let's say it's all about the contextual relation between the noun 'Jew' and the context within the noun is used. Although some idioms containing the noun 'Jew' have an obvious pejorative meaning due historical reasons, I don't see why offensive phrases containing the noun 'Jew' should be treated different as other insults. As there's mostly a 'laissez-faire'-policy towards insulting in the soldat-community, the best thing you can do is to let it pass, cause there's just hardly no chance at all you'll have a decent conversation with someone insulting you in that way...
Oh but I don't have a problem with that...
But see, in some place in soldat, cursing in the middle of a game will bring punishment by admins.
Take some leauges for example, or the gather..
If someone is cursing alot and u post screenshots of that, he will get punished.
And then when someone does something like that screenshot in my first post shows.
Admins go "but aren't you a jew? why are you offended?"
So they are NOT treating it as an inslut, and that's the problem.
If they were treating it as an insult there wouldn't be a problem.
That specific screenshot was taken from an official match in a league that doesnt allow cursing.
If they would have cursed with other words the little brats who did it would have been punished.
But since the admin didn't agree that they were being offensive, he just locked the thread and ignored it.
So here's a new system to override the anti curse systems in servers and leauges.
Don't call someone an "idio-t" don't call him a "mor-on" just go "damn jew!"
and you're home safe...
May 22, 2006, 2:51 pm
Quote:Originally posted by OkAnd those kids dont need sympathy, they'll just grow up one day and it will all be over.
Unfortunatly that's not the case with us "jews" :)
I'm 18 and still attached to the "kid" label. Personally, I think kids who were raised hating it are kinda stuck up. They don't want to come to terms with reality.
Here's a question for ya: Do you know how ignorant you make Jews out to be?
Quote:Originally posted by OkIf they would have cursed with other words the little brats who did it would have been punished.
But since the admin didn't agree that they were being offensive, he just locked the thread and ignored it.
I see where you are coming from. Of course if another player was taunting you, then as an admin, I would see to it they were notified of their wrongdoing and punished. That screen-shot showed some obvious racism, although I was not sure if it was directed at you. They were probably just being idiots.
May 22, 2006, 5:21 pm
If you think "Jew" is offensive, then stop promoting it with your avatar.