May 23, 2006, 9:09 pm
Before I start, let me add that I'm not a member of the band, member of the band's street team, etc... I just think they kick ass.
www.theberzerker.com (Those of you who do not like metal do best in staying away. Also, please be quiet even if you insist upon uttering stupid comments, despite the fact that you don't listen to metal. If you're metalhead and it's not your cup of tea, then that's okay. Otherwise, shut up.)
Meet The Berzerker. Probably the most extreme metal-band there is. Meaning the best as well. For those familiar with the genre, I can say that you haven't heard extreme metal until you've heard The Berzerker. Let me put it into terms for you: their drummer was, unofficially, the world's fastest drummer when it came to one-handed snare-rolls - 1148 hits in one minute. Granted, they don't play nearly that fast in their songs, only around the 600 hits per minute mark, but it's still farking fast. REALLY farking fast. The fact that they use triggered techno-sounding drums along with asskicking riffs and a snarling distorted bass at speeds in excess of 250bpm really makes this the, on average, fastest metal band in the world. Not to mention the most musically (if you wanna call it that) intense act as well... If you don't count Venetian Snares. Sounds interesting? Here's a quick link for you. http://www.theberzerker.com/soundfiles/NoOneWinsMp3.mp3
Now, chat away.
May 23, 2006, 9:12 pm
Gimme a soundclip of that 1148 hits in one minute thing. Frankly I don't belive it.
May 23, 2006, 9:15 pm
That is annoying as [CENSORED]. More annoying than noise music. And I do like metal.
May 23, 2006, 9:31 pm
Quote:Originally posted by RabidTreeFrogGimme a soundclip of that 1148 hits in one minute thing. Frankly I don't belive it.
Believe it. It's actually not even the current record - it's been broken. Thing is, however, that I'm not able to find any WFD videos covering snare-contests. There is one showing off the world's fastest kickdrummer, though.
And hey - I can play "No one wins" on guitar.
May 23, 2006, 10:38 pm
Hahha I was listening to Aborym the other day thinking that their programmed techno drums sounded more realistic than Berzerker's human drummer.
Good drummer, boring music though.
May 23, 2006, 10:44 pm
Shut up N00B!
Of course I've heard of bezerker. While many other death metal bands out do them, they still kick ass. There newest album isn't their greatest though.
Most extreme? Hardly (not that that is a bad thing)
Best? No
Good? Yes
May 24, 2006, 1:32 am
I guess this applies to all heavy metal music but: are these guys actually singing? Or is it the death gurgles of someone who got thier throat slit, or synchronized projectile vomiting? It seriously sounds like they are gargling razor blades. It makes my throat hurt listening to it. It's not like anyone could tell what they were saying anyways. But if that's the kind of music you like, so be it.
May 24, 2006, 2:48 am
Quote:Originally posted by SwarmerI guess this applies to all heavy metal music but: are these guys actually singing? Or is it the death gurgles of someone who got thier throat slit, or synchronized projectile vomiting? It seriously sounds like they are gargling razor blades. It makes my throat hurt listening to it. It's not like anyone could tell what they were saying anyways. But if that's the kind of music you like, so be it.
Captain Ben
May 24, 2006, 8:30 am
Sounds a bit interesting, might check them out. Thanks for that Roland!
But yeah, I've always wondered how they managed to get their voices so raspy and bear like.
May 24, 2006, 10:11 am
push up from the diaphragm, don't use your throat. i'd go into more detail, but you silly goonslings wouldn't care to practice gutterals or grunts would ya.
Deleted User
May 24, 2006, 1:02 pm
I like Berzerker, they're pretty good. Not the best, but good.
May 24, 2006, 3:49 pm
I don't understand how anyone enjoys that. I just heard this...BLARRGHGHGHGHHGHG noise.
May 24, 2006, 3:57 pm
Quote:Originally posted by AerialAssaultI don't understand how anyone enjoys that. I just heard this...BLARRGHGHGHGHHGHG noise.
So true.
May 24, 2006, 4:40 pm
Well, to those of you who are interested in checking out The Berzerker, I highly recommend you to pick up "Dissimulate". It is their most intense release (and oddly enough, the most extreme album, considering it was actually recorded with a real drummer), as well as their most well-written one. Sure, some of you might discard it as noise, but the samples used in certain songs give them a deeper meaning - for example "Painless" and "Compromise".
Though I'm interested - could anyone point me towards more musically extreme acts in the metal-scene? (I've already heard Beneath the massacre)
May 24, 2006, 6:01 pm
That's Death metal though, I personally hate it but I do like metal. For some real metal listen to rammstein or Rob Zombie :p
May 24, 2006, 7:21 pm
Quote:Originally posted by Krilliousblah blah for some real metal listen to rammstein or Rob Zombie :p
Deleted User
May 24, 2006, 7:33 pm
Quote:Originally posted by TheFunktopus Quote:Originally posted by Krilliousblah blah for some real metal listen to rammstein or Rob Zombie :p
I second that. AHAHAHAHAHA
Oh, and for ROL4ND, if you're looking for more "extreme" stuff, i can show you lots and lots of things. Just depends on what you're intrested. There's a lot of little sub-genres of metal, and some are very different.
p.s. I heard the drummer is a nazi.. true? False?
May 24, 2006, 7:44 pm
I for one hate death metal / any kind of metal. I seriously wasnt going to post in this thread at all but this band is just another reason for me to hate it. Thanks
May 24, 2006, 8:02 pm
Quote:Oh, and for ROL4ND, if you're looking for more "extreme" stuff, i can show you lots and lots of things. Just depends on what you're intrested. There's a lot of little sub-genres of metal, and some are very different.
p.s. I heard the drummer is a nazi.. true? False?
Just go ahead and PM me with any suggestions you've got. Grindcore, death, speed or thrash metal, whatever. Just no black metal. Never been a fan of that.
May 24, 2006, 8:26 pm
sucks, just too fast, but everybody has thyre style, ive got nothing against it..
Quote:Originally posted by TheFunktopus Quote:Originally posted by Krilliousblah blah for some real metal listen to rammstein or Rob Zombie :p
May 24, 2006, 8:51 pm
What would you consider extreme.
Extreme doesnt = fast.
If you think speed is extreme then Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Ganglia, Gigantic Brain, and almost any other Cyber Grind band has them beat.
May 24, 2006, 9:34 pm
Ganglia is a one-man project, with no live instruments. I dont know about the others. Sure, you've got faster acts per definition, but do they play their instruments?
EDIT: Dang. Just checked out Ganglia. I really dig the intensity, but live instruments would do so much to better the entire impression. The guitars and drums sound VERY programmed...
May 24, 2006, 9:43 pm
Thats the point, music is about the output, not input. eGrind is meant to sound like that, atleast in Ganglia's sense.
Once again, what do you consider to be "extreme"
May 25, 2006, 6:28 pm
Musician skill, speed and intensity. That'd be my definition of extreme metal.
May 25, 2006, 8:16 pm
I would have to disagree, seeing as Doom takes things to the extreme slow. Anyway, Magrudergrind is some pretty good Crust/Grind/Thrash.