May 27, 2006, 10:34 pm
How [CENSORED] Ultimate Frisbee is.
The Geologist
May 27, 2006, 10:45 pm
[CENSORED] you Shoover. If you don't like it then sit on your thumb and twirl, it's your loss being so narrow minded.
Ultimate rocks, but I prefer frisbee golf myself. A good game of ultimate is a great way to kill an afternoon with some friends and get some exercise in the process. If I had the free time I'd join the ultimate team at college.
May 27, 2006, 11:39 pm
heh, I'm about to go play right now.
I prefer Ultimate over Frisbee Golf, it never gets old.
Deleted User
May 27, 2006, 11:48 pm
I like Ultimate Couchpotato more.
[CENSORED]in' active children...
Captain Ben
May 28, 2006, 2:26 am
Drop the frisbee, go a
Vortex. These things are awesome to play with at night, especially if you have a group of friends all trying to catch the [CENSORED]ers.
I've never heard of frisbee golf, though. Could someone drop us a link?
May 28, 2006, 2:41 am
heh, I had an earlier version of a Vortex long ago. Still prefer good old frisbee.
Best excercise ever is "Sex"...
But you go ahead and play frisbe!
May 28, 2006, 2:55 am
Ultimate Frisbee seriously sucks man. Since you can pretty much only pass it to make distance and theres no body contact allowed usually.
I can't even really call it a sport. It's more of an activity or a game.
Hockey is the only sport, soccer and lacrosse are pretty decent too.
The Geologist
May 28, 2006, 2:55 am
ok, next time you try to pump up that e-penis at least spell frisbee correctly.
Worm - You have to have body contact to make things fun? Whatever floats your boat.
May 28, 2006, 3:18 am
short passes in ultimate work as well. And who cares if you cant go bashing up against your friends and dry humping them like people do when they play basketball? I always found it rather homesexual anyway.
I;d raterh play tackle football(american football), but i don't know 14-16 people that are willing to play tackel
May 28, 2006, 4:43 am
Ultimate Frisbee is pretty lame had to play that in gym class, not only is it challenging but also not very rewarding.
Go up to anyone and say you're good at Ultimate Frisbee and they will steal your lunch money.
May 28, 2006, 5:13 am
Obviously everyone that hates ultimate frisbee is not good at it or hasn't even played it.
The people I play ulitmate with are good, and games get really competitve. After school, we go to the sports fields and play until the 5:00 bus comes. And my History teacher joins some games and will launch a nice long throw half the length of the field and we score off of those passes. Yeah, the school I go to is dedicated to ultimate frisbee. *sighs* too bad I'm on summer break...
May 28, 2006, 5:27 am
yes, ultimate frisbee is the one redeeming quality of the school year. It's always nice to head over to the nearby park after the day is over and play some frisbee.
g-force made some great points. If you've only played ultimate in gym it will suck. of course it will, its friggen gym class! I would recommend that you grab a frisbee and 7 friends and try to tell me that it wasn't fun.
May 28, 2006, 6:10 am
I in fact have played it in gym class only once. I've played it around 4 times with just friends outside on a field. It still wasn't all that fun and its not like it was because everyone sucked at throwing the frisbee, everybody was at least decent.
I just don't find it very enjoyable. On the other hand, frisbee golf is much more fun.
Yes, hitting people does make games more fun.
Quote:Yes, hitting people does make games more fun.
Yes hurting and getting hurt while playing a game is the best feeling for me :D too bad my friends are friggin wimps
Unlucky 13
May 28, 2006, 7:25 am
Personally, I've never played Ultimate Frisbee, so I can't have much of an opinion, but my friends suggest we play it every now and agaion in Phys Ed classes, so they must like it.
Really, the only sport I participate in is swimming, and that can get fairly demanding if you have a coach/teacher/thing like mine...
Captain Ben
May 28, 2006, 7:47 am
Quote:Originally posted by ? Quote:Yes, hitting people does make games more fun.
Yes hurting and getting hurt while playing a game is the best feeling for me :D too bad my friends are friggin wimps
And that's exactly why you should get 6 vortexes, 2 large groups of friends and throw them at eachother at night! You can't see them, you can as sure as hell hear the wailing ones and they hurt like hell if you're not expecting one to smash into you :D
Btw, doesn't a game of american football/grid iron take 3 hours or something?
May 28, 2006, 8:17 am
Ultimate Frisbee rapes my face.
May 28, 2006, 8:51 am
my favorite sport is genocide
May 28, 2006, 9:51 am
Quote:Originally posted by vash763Ultimate Frisbee rapes my face.
and I don't even know how.
Quote:Originally posted by Captain Ben Quote:Originally posted by ? Quote:Yes, hitting people does make games more fun.
Yes hurting and getting hurt while playing a game is the best feeling for me :D too bad my friends are friggin wimps
And that's exactly why you should get 6 vortexes, 2 large groups of friends and throw them at eachother at night! You can't see them, you can as sure as hell hear the wailing ones and they hurt like hell if you're not expecting one to smash into you :D
Btw, doesn't a game of american football/grid iron take 3 hours or something?
Meh it takes as long as you want it too really... when I used to play it was play will people jsut don't want to play anymore or till you run outa time...