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Need Good Clan
Soldat Forums - Soldat Fans - Clan Recruitment
Studio 8
May 28, 2006, 2:01 pm
Here's my INFO

Name: Cris Mccully
INGAME: Yogie Bear or Studio 8
Weapons Used in Killing: Spas or Barret, M79 Law or Knife
Favorite Game Type: Capture the Flag, Race, Infiltration
About Me: I have been Playing Soldat for 1 Year almost. I alwase PWN Players.
Player Contact: E-Mail=(chris_mccully2@yahoo.com) MSN=(chris_mccully@hotmail.com)

May 28, 2006, 5:56 pm
hello. i have added you to msn. i will talk to you on there with the email whackashoe@msn.com. cya