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May 30, 2006, 5:06 am
Part of my new summer project the Periotic Table series, this is the second map completed. First one is cobalt (link: [URL])
that gave me the whole ideal of a series.
Map is made for 6-8 players
Here it is:
Download Link:[URL]
Note: the map has some resemblence, so if you were expecting somthing different then I can't help you. And special thanks to fileden.com
UPDATE: New overview without the grid is on and one more screenie.

May 30, 2006, 2:48 pm
Layout looks fun, but there will probably be a fair bit of cat-and-mouse gameplay during stalemates.

-turn off the grid for the overview
-add some front layer clouds with a tiny bit of opacity
-keep up that shading style on the in-game spheres :D

June 3, 2006, 12:43 am
There is some mid layers clouds in the middle, and the updated overview did not upload that well so I'm using an older overview with the same layout.

June 3, 2006, 1:28 am
Looks good, although looks a lil too intense [a lot of colors and humps and [CENSORED]] , I like the background, shading is nice, and wat rapidhamster said, turn off grid

June 3, 2006, 6:27 am
Its really good but what does it have to do with Cobalt? :)

I meant to say Hydrogen sorry >.<

June 3, 2006, 7:10 am
Polygons, they just need to do something besides stand there. They need to have scenery and some theme effects to go along with the map. Thats

And then the bonus in each polygon is an easy reason to camp there. You will 100% know, like 1st time your there. that a specific bonus will spawn there.

June 4, 2006, 2:08 am
Cookie, Coblat gave me the idea of a map series based on the Periodic Table.

Shoover, I will work on the bonus spawn points but just for now, recomended bonus frequency is 1-2.

Deleted User
June 4, 2006, 3:21 am
looks fun. I like the colors

The Geologist
June 5, 2006, 7:58 am
1) It's the periodic table, not the periotic table.
2) Map looks like a pain in the ass for ctf...those round polys are blocking the way, too much jumping and dodging no room for shooting.
3) Easy spawn killing
4) Nothing to do with hydrogen.
5) Too colorless...not appealing.

Didn't grow too much from the original a few weeks back...not much to say about it now.