I was thinking about my matrix mod (WHICH I AM GOING TO MAKE), and have decided to leave it for later. Right now I'm in the midst of making a new mod.....CK2010! This stands for China-Korea 2010 A.D. This is actaully a full campaign, and I will have a custom interface, gostek, sounds, and weapons. It's bassed on the idea that North Korea marches in and takes over South Korea, and begins to control all of its weapons, thus the fact that North Korea is armed with the superior South Korean weapons. Then it declares war on China, and in 2010 soldiers march into China to take over. Two things:
1. Idea for minigun on either China or Korea (Preferably Korea), or just no minigun (as is)
2. Anyone know about China/Korea geography? I'll find cities and areas, but what is the terrain like? Foresty? Jungley? Mountainy? Superificly?.....=D let me know about ideas.....and should i make the soldiers have the big korean hats? lol =D
1. Idea for minigun on either China or Korea (Preferably Korea), or just no minigun (as is)
2. Anyone know about China/Korea geography? I'll find cities and areas, but what is the terrain like? Foresty? Jungley? Mountainy? Superificly?.....=D let me know about ideas.....and should i make the soldiers have the big korean hats? lol =D