April 9, 2003, 11:31 am
Who wants to take part in my clan, there is no name for it at this time and I am a real Nu'bie *gg*
I want to create a JUST4FUN Clan. The country you come from doesn't matter. I'm a German one and I want to play with polish, english, french etc... but I dont't want to have any americans in this clan, u know why *gg*
April 10, 2003, 11:06 am
It's not just americans fighting this war, it's Great Britain and Australia too.
April 10, 2003, 11:19 am
Wtf, don't blaim every American or Great Britain, did they make the desicion that you dislike? Retard.
April 13, 2003, 5:39 am
This supposed "War on Terror", is full bull[:-censored]...if u wanna stop terrorism you have to take away people's right to think, which is impossible. I think the leaders of the these countries should just get together over a big game of Soldat and whoever wins gets the other's land...
April 13, 2003, 6:18 am
Well, guys, there are so many sides and arugments for this war. One side says that Saddam is an evil man. And he is, and nobody can deny that. No-one. They say that he must be killed to bring peace to the Middle EAst, and that he is a threat to everyone. And i agree with all that. He is evl and a threat. However, the problem that i have the with the war is that they have to kill s many civilians. I think that they should just kill Saddam and his cronies and thats all. HOwever, since this is somehwat difficult to do with out killing some civilians, then i supoose ther eis no answer................................
but, all you people who say the war shouldnt go on, well, i beg of you, do some reasearch on the cruelty of saddam upon his people. I think that he should be driven out.
anyway, maxpain, Bush is the one who made hte decision to go in. Not neccesaryily all of AMerica. DO not make stereotypes. All of America does not love Bush. AMerica does not have one mind, one set of thoughts, but instead 269 million (somewhere around there)
April 13, 2003, 8:19 am
once, Iraq was THE MOST powerful Arab nation. He made huge mistake by attacking Iran. he lost 1/3 of his total soldiers in that war, and 140$ billion .
Anyway, Austrailian civillians are really against the war, same in the united kingdom, but 2/3 americans are PRO war!
Hey, maxpain, i will help you create your clan if you get msn messenger, is a lot easier to discuss with clan mates!
April 13, 2003, 8:26 am
ummmm, isn't this a thread about a new clan?????
April 13, 2003, 8:41 am
yes, it is, and i kinda said that i will help him make the clan, kind off. im not too sure though.
April 14, 2003, 1:06 am
I'll join ur clan, Will you let Australians in?
April 14, 2003, 4:35 pm
id like to help to create, i might join, if its a good team
April 15, 2003, 1:55 am
max pain good luck on ur clan(from a amercan ohhh) but for now the hsk clan is not ur buddys becuase we are all americansu hate 1 ameraican u hate the all
April 15, 2003, 9:51 pm
this clan is like LnL.... it wont stay alive 4 long..[:D]