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compiling deleting
Soldat Forums - Soldat Maps & Map Making - Mapping Help / Resources
April 13, 2003, 9:55 pm
I worked for half an hour on something in the map editor, and pressed compile. It was raking a while, so i did something else. When i looked at it after abit, the compliling was done, but all that i had done in that half hour as gone. Everything in my map, stuff that i had made before, was gone. So, i loaded again, and started work again, but it was super annoyimg, cos i lost a half hours work. Is this an error, or something i did, or did God just feel mad at me?

April 13, 2003, 10:54 pm
first thing, save yor map before compiling!
i got that problem to, later i fond out that the stuff i have done was there in the map but moved away from the scene far out in the white area..

April 13, 2003, 11:09 pm
oh.........well, doesnt it say that you have to compile before saving?

April 13, 2003, 11:25 pm
Compile only if you intend to distribute or test the map.

April 13, 2003, 11:53 pm
Well, what does compiling do precisly?

April 14, 2003, 12:08 am
as far as i know it sets all properties for the poligons, ie bullets collide, all collide, noting collide.. and puts the whole thing you have done in the "middle" of the screen.

April 14, 2003, 12:10 am
oh.............i see.

another thing that happened when i compiled is that afterwards it was completly black---so, i saved it underneath a different name than before (so not to overwrite the olderversion) andafter saving i exited out. Then, i reopened thatmap, underneath the file that had been totally black before. It was perfactly normal and up to date..........go figure........

April 14, 2003, 1:20 am
yeah ive gotten the balck scrren before and u cant save and then complie u can only do that if u dont have way points and stuff like that in there i dont know why u just cant

April 14, 2003, 10:56 am
As an advise here is how i map :
1. main polygon shaping - rough making of walkable/blocking areas
2. compile/test under another name in deathmatch mode(always close editor before testing ingame). Fix bugs
3. fix main shaping -gaps, pointy edges)
4. same as 2. + Beta test with friends =^__^=
5. add walk through polygons (test again as in 2.)
6. clean up polys, texture fix/stretch, shading and add detail polygons. Test again
7. place spawnpoints/bonus/gamemode specific elements/tags. Test + beta test with pals
8. make screenshot of whole map, and place scenery within paint program first (or print the map and draw them) NOT IN EDITOR
9. prepare bot pathways on paper/screenshot too
10.place scenery-GFX in map(test)...
11.make bot pathways. basic. Test + public beta test => fixes
12.make bot patwhways. advanced. Test + public beta test => fixes
13. release

some people might prefer making Bot patwhays before placing scenery gfx...
a bit long, but prevents many problems/bugs =^__^=