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Soldat Forums - Soldat Maps & Map Making - Mapping Help / Resources
April 19, 2003, 1:57 am
Ok, i'm making a map, right? Everything has been working quite well, til now. now, when i try to place scenery, it places it immediatly, with one click and not the usual 2 to define the postion. This is highly annoying, and has complety screwed my plans for the map. I can still delete it with the delete button, but for some reason the 'delete last' button doesnt work. So, what is happening herE?

April 19, 2003, 2:10 am

my fickle Soldatian friend, you have met the pinnacle of the map-maker's powers! You have tested it's supremecy, and it has failed miserably.

This is a bug, as far as I can see. It happened to me after a while on a map I was working on. I think its like a scenery limit thing...

Did you just start placing scenery, or do you have some placed already? If you have some placed, you are in for a sad ending--there is no fix right now. :( This is exactly what happened to me!


April 19, 2003, 2:53 am
Same here buddy,

But not only did it place with one click, not allowing me to size it properly, it would also delete scenery elsewhere on the map.

It would appear that our maps are just too sexy for the mapmaker.

April 19, 2003, 2:57 am
yes, some of my other scenery was deleted too. And yes, i had placed a bunch of scenery beofre. Sucks ass, cos my map is really good so far in my opinion. But i still have alot to do, AND I CANt NOW. If i delete the resy of my scenery and then redoit, alittle less lavishly, woulcd that work? Or is it permanantly screwed? If so, i shall follow my advice of another topic---strap several hunddred heavy duty fire crakcers to my body and jump off a cliff while lighting them, and see if i fly...........

April 25, 2003, 1:34 am
Hrmmm, i used to have a similar problem but i reinstalled :S all good now

April 25, 2003, 1:37 am
Scenery addition is very easy.

Just open the map maker, and look to the toolbox on the right. Find the tab that says SCENERY and click it. Then you will see .bmp files that you chooose from to add to the map....pick one, and place it somewhere on the map. It's that easy! (hope thats all you needed)


April 25, 2003, 2:44 am
ye woops, didn't mean to post that wrong question lol

April 26, 2003, 1:38 am
NO enjoyincubus, you dont have it right. I know how to add scenery, but no i cant due to the scrwy limit thing. So, what i am saying is that if I delete all the scenery in my map, then replace it but altitle less, would i be able to do that? Or is it permanantly screwed