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Insane Soldiers
Soldat Forums - Soldat Fans - Clan Recruitment
April 30, 2003, 10:48 am
hi all i made a new website its extremely under construction but check it out at


this site is based on a clan I made for people in Soldat that just wanna be a group and
have fun and not have clan wars. Please join if you are willing to do that. (for more info go to the sign up page in the site)
anyway to join do this:

Email me at catmaster400@hotmail.com with the following info:
1) your email
2) your faviourate weapon
3) your Soldat name

here is what you get if you join:
1) you become a Moderator for the Insane Soldiers Forum.
2) you are able to private messege other members using the private board.
3) your are able to have lots of fun being a group of people.

btw, can everyone have atleast a minute silence for my mums sister who died today giving birth to her fourth child, thanks to the lame surgeons *sniff* anyway my mums going to go to my grandma and grandpa today for 2 weeks in a totally different country, were my aunty who died lived.
I hope this stuff never happens to any of you guys I mean my mum was crying for the whole day. [:-weepn]

edit- in http://www.insanesoldiers.cjb.net it might say that theres an error on the page on the bottom, but thats not really true the page works perfectly so ignore that, in geocities it always does that to me.

May 1, 2003, 2:23 am
Kewl you made ur own clan! [:D] gl with your new clan and best of wishes!
nice site too.. lots of originality which i like not to complicated.

May 1, 2003, 4:45 am
lmao shadow can i join!? ahahah it is a joke

May 1, 2003, 8:15 am
i hope some you guys can join the forums in my site :D

May 5, 2003, 6:11 pm
original clan concept... nice to say the least. [:)]

May 7, 2003, 10:01 am
its not that original :)
once the whole clan is together, ill be organizing times to set up a server and put a password so that the clan can do soem really fun stuff and take screenshots :)

edit- I added a new chat room to the site enjoy!!!!
its Live and all :)