May 28, 2003, 10:51 pm
After using it on any one map for a while it starts bugging up, like when placing scenery after a while it starts moving completely different scenery and resizing it and alsorts. it's making map making completely impossible.
May 28, 2003, 11:51 pm
If you say it's "WAAAAAAY too buggy", why don't you give us some valid information to back it up? Why just say, "well, when I use it for a while, there's problems"? Why not tell us what those problems are, so they can become fixed?
~Scenery limit-you can only place about 200 pieces of scenery before it becomes buggy. After that, every piece must be straight-forward, and past pieces you placed become moved around.
Do something like that, and maybe Michal will listen and try to fix the problems....
May 29, 2003, 1:59 pm
Well that's basicly the problem.
also some polygons just keep randomly deleting themselves.
I know my post wasn't too clear, but i'm sure you understood what i meant.
May 29, 2003, 4:46 pm
What's the prob? arent ya happy with the mapmaker??? Then don't use it............ te be continued.............