You Are Retards
June 7, 2003, 4:08 am
how about giving out a few points for the little soldats that bring back the flag to their mates (in CTF). At least a nice 5 points or so, cause I mean, without that little man bringing back the flag... No points for his team.
or maybe 10 points?
June 7, 2003, 9:28 am
And then you could just blow it of with granade and bring it back. You could use it as a point wh--- erm prostitute. [:D]
June 7, 2003, 10:16 am
if a kill is made to return the flag, then that would be ok
You Are Retards
June 7, 2003, 4:56 pm
good point jahuu..,. didnt think of that....
it just happened to me so many times without getting credit for it...
June 7, 2003, 5:17 pm
yeah i think that killing the flag carrier should be worth more than a normal kill. Maybe just 2 or 3 points... you gotta kill him b4 u can return the flag anyway.
You Are Retards
June 9, 2003, 2:49 am
lets say that there is a limit the flag has to be brought to in order for the return to be worth points. Lets say a single enemy carrier had to bring it across more than half the field, Only one guy though. If another team member sets hands on it, it is void.
There are things you could arrange for this option to be a h appy one.
I will let you think about it.
June 9, 2003, 3:59 am
what really pisses me off is that you get the flag carry it all the way to your base dodging all kinds of crap, then you get killed and get no points because some idiot takes the flag and scores, i want some points for bringing it all the way there!
June 9, 2003, 6:16 am
Good point wormy!
Also, you should get cumulative points for kills while carrying the flag =D
June 9, 2003, 6:37 am
mabe while u hold on to the flag like every minute u get 1 point automatically?
is that what you mean by cumalitive cabbage?
June 9, 2003, 6:53 am
i was thinking there should be no player points (or fewer, or points spread to whole team) for capturing the flag... only the team score. i dunno.. its a team effort, so i feel that you should be happy enough when your team wins.
mebbe its just cuz i like to play defense a lot :) just my opinion, but i dun care either way.
You Are Retards
June 9, 2003, 4:03 pm
exactly, when you play defence, you don't get as many points, which is gay cause you are the one preventing others from getting your flag. It is important to have defense, they need some credit too.
I think Cabbage has a reasonable idea. Cumulative points would be nice. Such as what though. like doubles up every kill? (i think it would be too much.) Or maybe a scale like this:
1 kill : one pt
2-3 kills: 2 pts each
4-5 kills: 3 pts each
6-7 kills: 4 pts each.
you know, something like that. WHADDA YA SAY?
June 9, 2003, 10:35 pm
or maybe every kill you make while holding the flag could be worth 2 or 3 points. Maybe that would encourage more "stupid" behavior with the flag and you wouldnt end with 0-0 ties on the b2b map. LOL. I think that you should get some points for capping, but maybe only like 5 or so.
June 10, 2003, 2:10 am
i could see that being a problem (although small) where.. some ppl would just keep the flag even if they can cap.. just cuz they want the extra kill multiplier. small, but a possibility.
June 10, 2003, 2:41 am
good point. If the amount of points for capping is enough they won't hold out... but 25 sure seems like a lot of points. Sometimes you really do earn it get the flag, kill loads of people gettin it and bringing it back and then protect it for 10 minutes while you wait for a return)...but lots of times your cap isn't worth 2 points. (like u just pick it up & cap it after somebody else did all the work).
Social Poison
June 10, 2003, 8:25 am
How about this:
Killing a flag bearer - 3 pts
Returning a flag (after it has been picked up by an enemy) - 2 pts
Only give 10 or 15 pts for a cap (come on.. 20? ... is a flag cap REALLY worth the same as TWENTY kills?)
Also there should be a "kills" section in the score board so the defenders can get some more direct recognition.
June 10, 2003, 3:48 pm
I think that there should be a seperate column in the stats for points.
I don't think that it should say u have 70 frags just cuz u returned the flag twise
and killed some ppl.
I think u should have Points, Kills and Deaths in the stats, along with all the
other stuff like ping...
u will gain 1 point for a kill, 4 for killing the flag carrier and 10 for
getting the flag (or something like that).
this system is similar to the one in SoF 2 (for those of u who thought it looked familiar).
You Are Retards
June 10, 2003, 10:24 pm
a column for caps would be nice, so idiots wont be like: I kILLED 60 GUYS!!! when they've only killed 20 with 2 caps.
So ya, there are some good ideas in here, I like it.
June 11, 2003, 2:53 am
tard - yes, that's what I had in mind.
A time based score addition would be a really bad idea, it would encourage people to not return the flag... :P
But for every kill a flag bearer gets they should get a cumulative score =D
Kill 1 = 1pt
Kill 2 = 1pt
Kill 3 = 2pt
Kill 4 = 2pt
Kill 5 = 3pt
Kill 6 = 3pt
and so on...
Also it would be good if:
Every time you killed a flag carrier you get 2 points (instead of the standard 1).
Every time you return the flag after an enemy has been carrying it you get 1 point.
Every time you grab the enemy flag and drag the damn thing across the entire map and back to your base, then you should get 1 point. BUT ONLY if you were the one to grab it initially and get back to your base and touch the place where the flag is supposed to be (even if your flag is stolen).
June 12, 2003, 4:37 am
I think NightCabbage has it pretty well summed up... now we just have to get it into the game somehow....
June 12, 2003, 5:11 am
lol - brothers gather round with your pitchforks!!!!
STORM THE... erm... oh dammit there's nowhere to storm!!
You Are Retards
June 15, 2003, 11:48 pm
nightcabbage, I like your pic.
how do you post a pic... lets say form my comp... or does it have to absolutely be on the net?
thanks, if someone wants to help me out PM me.