June 14, 2003, 10:50 pm
[IMAGE]Able to change resolutions (will be good for #2)
[IMAGE]A chat box (see screenshot), where it says ALL: thats if you just pressed enter and your gonna say a message to everyone (e.g. for team it would say TEAM:)
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June 15, 2003, 12:50 am
YOu just LOVE those little speech bubbles dotcha? Anyway, the system for chat is fine as it is now, imo. A history of what was said, acessable ingame, would be cool, but apart from that nothing is needed in that direction.....
June 15, 2003, 12:06 pm
Yeah, a console would be nice.
Displaying everything that has occured ((Self-)kills, flag captured/returned, (Team-)say etc.)
The default button opening the console should be the one above the TAB key (argh I forgot what it's called on english keyboards again..).
The size of it should be slightly bigger than the one of the screenshot above by tilight.
AND very important, you should be able to scroll the text by using Page down/up. (erm the buttons next to Pos1/End).
and about changing the resolutions, it's not "possible" (IMHO) and there's a simple&logic explanation for this:
people with higher resolutions DO HAVE an advantage because they see more (power-ups, incoming enemies etc.).
This has been suggested long time ago and Michal didn't implement this (since it's easy to do, I guess), so he doesn't want it (I guess again).
June 15, 2003, 9:39 pm
Hey boosta, i never noticed you were from germany, you speak really good english. Anyway, i dunno what the key is called, but on english keyboards it the one with the funky little squiggly line and the other accent. called tildes in spanish, i know that......
Anyway, the console idea would be good, i support it.
You Are Retards
June 15, 2003, 11:43 pm
tildy is correct my friend... BING BING BING 50 POINTS!