June 22, 2003, 7:37 am
This may be a very general request, but I personally would love to see a more optimized netcode, if at all possible. I mean I play on T1 servers and im lucky to ping under 200, and that is acceptable playing, but it would be nice for us to generally have good pings, especially since this game doesn't seem 'packet' heavy(No offense). If you could maybe focus just one patch on optimizing your netcode that would be great, I mean I play Q3A and I ping under 50 mostly, but Soldat I cant get under 200 on T1 servers? That just doesn't seem right to me. Sorry if this comes off offensive, im just making a request =).
June 22, 2003, 11:55 am
Nah, not offensive, but we're used to the rather slow netcode... :P
I too would like to see some improvements.
But also not that Q3A is one of the highest profile games, and thus has many players and many servers. We here at Soldat have comparably few servers.
June 22, 2003, 4:57 pm
Well actually, that is what is very surprising about soldat. It has generally over half the number of players that still play quake3, and about 1/10th the servers, lol. Sure quake3 is high profile, as in its heavily marketted, but Soldat is almost as popular, and in my oppinion equally enjoyable. Better netcode would just top this game off.
June 23, 2003, 7:43 am
Better netcode, better servers, and no bugs =D