June 25, 2003, 7:40 pm
How about game observer spots.
Did you ever want to see the best duke it out amongst each other?
Well you should be able to!
Join games to watch and learn.
(Once again, if someone brought this up before me, all credit goes to him/her)
The observer spots with integrated chat enable you to exchange appreciation for the game played between all other observers.
Rate kills and see which kill was the most popular along with a screenshot of the dead.
Vote which player will win, send feedback to the players at the end of the match with screenshots of their most popular kills.
Send results to an online ladder system to see who the most popular player is, be fans, vote for your players!
June 26, 2003, 12:29 am
hmm, this might be fun, but i suspect it might get bored after 5 minutes (who wants to watch someone play when you can play yourself.) ANyway, it might be okay, maybe for clan matches with pros, but after acouple minutes of watching i know i would get bored....
June 26, 2003, 1:27 am
Sorta like a spectator mode, right?
Good idea.
June 26, 2003, 4:46 am
It would be cool for tournaments and stuff.
Also maybe a arena mode? like the winner keeps playing a new person and everyone else spectates. or a team arena mode would be cool too.
June 26, 2003, 6:07 am
I dunno.......maybe jsut make sure they dont put their heads up?
And phazon, think please. How boring would it be to watch two guys fight, and not be able to do anything ecept watch. With some pros it might be interesting, but there are few pros and lots of n00bs, and watching n00bs is not enjoyable....
June 26, 2003, 7:29 am
I think you should look at the big Starcraft tournaments in Korea.
That's what I was aiming at.
The players can't see the big screen and they have headphones on, but all this is just an arrangement issue.
Duke, you seem to be unable to just say good idea, you have to add that bit of "it sucks" in every post. That's a tough one, you need to relax man. It's not good to be bitter all the time.
Why do thousands of Koreans pay to watch PC-gamers on TV?
Why do people download replays?
I have a collection of about 100 Starcraft replays.
June 26, 2003, 8:00 am
But in a LAN the players in the tournament and the "audience" is mixed, eg: they are all players in the LAN. Its hard to make sure no one looks at the big screen. But there is no perfect solution to be made in the game. I cant put realistic mode on big screen, simply.
Anyways, I want a spectator mode, with some video control options - such as play in slow-motion (usefull when a lot of action), and pehaprs even smart-slowmotion (dont need to manually put slow-mo on, it does so itself when the action gets going). Also some fast buttons for quick replay of the last five seconds or so, a rec button to make long replays (perhaps for judges etc. if there is an argument), a pause button... And of course one have to be able to switch camera. Both manually and automatic.
June 26, 2003, 8:07 am
i want to the soldat 1.1.5 have choices :
{1} Alfa Team
{2} Bravo Team
{3} Spectator
I hope so...
June 26, 2003, 8:53 am
Why shouldn't someone be able to set how many players can join and how many can watch. Those who watch are basically waiting in line to join the game.
There aren't many servers for soldat; you should at least be able to watch a game while you're waiting to play. You could see your opponent's play style and think of ways to counter it.
June 26, 2003, 7:12 pm
See, IDF-RIPsta, when i like an idea and support it, then i say so. When i dont like an idea and do not support it then i say so. I generally try to support my ideas and my thoughts. I am unable to say good idea here becuase of the fact that i do not think that is a good idea. So, therfore i say bad idea. Now i say it. Bad idea. See, its all just opinions. Everythings just an opinion. You're opinion is that your idea is a great idea, good idea. And as well, it is your opinion that i am an uptight critizing [:-censored] that doesnt like any of your ideas. It is my opinion that i dont like this idea.
Anyway, my point is that, let people say what they want. I am not saying that YOU cannot say its a good idea. I am not say that everyone has to say its a bad jsut saying that I do not think its a good idea.........and thats just my opinion.......
I am speaking for myself when i say that it would be boring. I do not know about you, perhaps you find watching people play interesting, but i do not. I prefer to play myself. And that is just me. So, do not let me stop you. Go on and be free and bloody well talk about and good job, but in in my opinion it would be boring. And there, thats my say....
June 26, 2003, 7:19 pm
well now that i think about it when i played arena mode in others games it was dumb.....
but i think there should be a spectator mode for people that DO like it and for tournys.
June 26, 2003, 7:24 pm
lol Phazon. you must have sucked then... Arena mode is alot of fun especially when you are good and can stay in the arena :p
June 27, 2003, 9:00 am
Duke, you don't like any idea raised in the forums.
Your posts start with "This is dumb..."
and end up "Why you want that for?"
I bet you never made any suggestions.
Please let me see one of your topics, oh pretty please...
But I'm not going to get into an argument with you, I see you're taking this way too serious.
As a guy who hands out criticism like a handshake, you sure can't tolerate any in regards to yourself.
June 27, 2003, 6:46 pm
The reason he critisizes so much is because most of the ideas here are, well, crap. I mean, come on, giant mode...
June 27, 2003, 7:34 pm
Still, there's a way to approach every situation. You want to encourage people to come up with ideas, not brutally dismantle their thoughts. People like Duke aren't contributing because they never bring new ideas to the table, they're just good naysayers.
If everyone would react to new things like them, we would still be wearing animal fur, no progress would have been achieved. These forums might seem very intimidating to someone who takes himself too serious. I think that's bad. You need to pull all those newcomers together and support them.
If you don't like an idea then put it in a more calm manner, tell them to think of something else, have some faith in them. Always give them that little bit of hope that they can come up with something new.
I realize that Duke has a very narrow mindscape, hence the monkey photo in his portrait. For someone sporting that monkey look he sure takes things very serious. "Please don't touch my game! Pretty Please!"
June 30, 2003, 12:35 am
I like the spectator ideea, i'm not sure but I think we talked earlier about this and nothing happened. anyway... Excelent ideea, maybe it could add some sort off queue too for the server for those ppl who reeeeally wanna play on a specific queue, like they will join the game as soon as someone leaves, (with a special autocick if the specific player didn't act alajv after a few seconds after they join, so we could not have campers)
I really hope this will be implemented in some way, I really hate it when I can't join my own server [:(]
July 1, 2003, 3:33 pm
spectator mode is great if you want to take screenshots...