June 30, 2003, 10:11 pm
Does anyone play Team Fortress Classic?
That game has a game mode where there are two spawn points for each team (blue and red) and there are commandpoints inbetween, and your team must capture all of them to win, and defend the ones you have captured. I love this mode because it is very strategic and would work well in Soldat.
What do other people think of this idea for a new game mode?
July 1, 2003, 2:42 pm
I agree, it would be fun. kinda a "king of the mountain" type game. It has proven popular in other games, such as 007 and time splitters.
July 1, 2003, 2:56 pm
yeah it was fun in TFC for acouple of weeks.
July 1, 2003, 3:15 pm
Yeah this would be nice...
Takes soldat to another level... good idea
July 1, 2003, 3:40 pm
or maybe if it was just a red base, a blue base, and a neutral base in the middle, and you spawn in your base, and try to capture the neutral base, and if your team controls the neutral base, your team may spawn there, instead of your first base. This would make it easier to win. how bout that?
July 1, 2003, 3:47 pm
if your team was the neutral base you will start geting points...
July 2, 2003, 1:24 am
I like the idea but there would have to be not that many command points else the match could go on a really long time.
Good idea!
July 2, 2003, 8:54 pm
the neutral base should be a bunker(house)... not just flat ground...
July 2, 2003, 10:08 pm
thanks for all the input... here is what I have come up with from all your suggestions.
-A spawn point for blue and red on opposite sides of map
-A neutral base somewhere in the middle of map, not just flat.. bunker/house/tent etc.
-Neutral base can be captured by having a player in it ALONE from either team in the tent for.. err 5-10 seconds?
-Base changes color depending on which team is controlling it.
-Points are accumulated for team as time passes when middle base is being controlled by that team.
-Game runs until the point limit it reached. Or a time limit where the team with more points win.
any other inputs or changes?
July 2, 2003, 10:39 pm
ok, some of that stuff is good but i'll try to explain it better
-A spawn point for blue and red on opposite sides of map
-A neutral base somewhere in the middle of map, not just flat.. bunker/house/tent etc.
-The base is captured as soon as someone from 1 team steps into it, it also changes colour at this time.
-To actually capture the middle point you must kill all members of the opposite team that are in it. ex. If the blue captured the middle, then 2 red guys went into the middle, they would have to kill blue guys first to capture it and change its colour.
-a team gets a point for each minute that they spend in control of the middle point.
-Game runs until the point limit it reached. Or a time limit where the team with more points win.
i think this is a good setup, anyone agree?
maybe when a red guy steps into the area and a blue is controlling it, it becomes neutral again so that as long as a red person and blue person are in the area, nobody will get any points. just an idea ^_^
July 3, 2003, 2:19 am
and a grenade thrown in there could blow someone out of the base :P
July 3, 2003, 3:53 am
hmm, it sounds like a very good idea, but i don't think soldat's engine can support "areas", and i doubt michael would hassle implemeting this (he probably has lots of bugs to fix hehe). I think the best way to do it without too much effort coding-wise, is to make it flag-based. A stationnary flag, in the middle of an INF-like bunker.
Game starts: Flag is grey (neutral).
Red team gets inside the bunker-thing, and touches the flag.
Flag is now red: each second, red team gets a point (or something).
Blue team gets inside the bunker thing and touches the flag.
Flag is now blue: blue's turn at getting points every second or so.
etc etc etc....
I think Unreal 2003 has a similar mode called domination, and if my souvenirs are right, it works the same way. No flags are turning back to grey (neutral) state after it has been touched by a player: you can trigger it RED and go away and it will stay red and give you points until a blue player triggers it BLUE. Also, most of the maps have 3 or 4 of those flag-things, so it's harder to "camp" a flag. Also, it has a display that tells you wich flag is red and wich flag is blue.
I really think that mode would rule!
July 3, 2003, 12:26 pm
yer thats an awesome idea,
its kinda like inf, and kinda like CTF, but neither!,
this would be a great addition to the game, hope it gets put in,
July 3, 2003, 3:39 pm
Well maybe it could be made based on a type of polygon, when a guy is standing on it, you get points, I dunno.
Leo Da Lunerfox
July 3, 2003, 6:03 pm
i think there should be more then 1 flag, how about this?
Red Base_______Flag_______Grey base_____Flag_______Blue base
In Unreal, there is a mode called domination, which u have a few control points in the game, and the more your team owns, the more points are given for every time a kill is made. also, u can only respawn on the Grey (if ur team has it), red, or blue base, not on the flags.
July 3, 2003, 6:09 pm
alright, this has already been mentioned on the first page so obviously you dont feel like reading before posting, also we decided to do a king of the hill thing not domination so there is only one point to capture ok? how about next time you read stuff before posting hmm?
July 4, 2003, 1:49 am
woah lot of hostility in the air,
i like both ideas, personally i like domination better, but thats me, either is good,
keep this topic going and we might get our wish/ though the decision is divided, mabye michals input is needed, see what hethinks would be best...
either idea is good, mabye someone shoul email michal??
July 4, 2003, 2:40 am
I like the idea with the flags. And the map editor should be able to put like up to 5 flags in one map.
It should be just like domination where its only neutral at the beginning.
Really great idea! Hope it gets put in.
July 4, 2003, 10:32 am
yeah... its a really great idea to hope it will come in 1.1.5
July 5, 2003, 6:24 pm
why are you guys complaining about "king of the hill or lots of flags"? i mean, leave that to the mapper. you can put as many flags as you want, and this includes "1 flag only" too, if you can count...