July 9, 2003, 3:16 pm
I think that stationary weapons that are attached to the ground would be good for every type of game match. Such as a morter on the top a hill, or a gun turret. This could really make game play a lot better, IF some levels get a bit larger. Hopefully, this wouldn't cause extra lag. Maybe if they were smaller stationary weapons, it would not affect lag. This could be a good replacement for vehicles.
I know this would be complicated to program in, so I wouldn't expect it to come in till version 1.2.
July 9, 2003, 3:46 pm
From Michal in another thread:
Maybe I should say what I think about this.
People have thought of stationary guns ever since I created Soldat. I was thinking of adding them. In the upcoming release even seriously. I thought of the M2 .50cal machinegun ( best know in the Vietnam War. It isn't a big problem for me to implement it. I usually add stuff like this to the game and then do lots of testing to see if it's cool enough. So the big question is: are stationary guns cool enough? I think not, that's why I abandoned the idea.Please don't tell me how great would it be to defend your base with these guns or something. I would like to hear from you how stationary guns would be fun (for both teams)?
there are already 100 threads about this [:-censored]ty topic..write in one damnit (and don't add those guns) :/
July 9, 2003, 4:17 pm
Maybe you could stop "screaming" at people for re-posting topics. I'm new, and so are a lot of people. Its not like we are going to search before we post! Just let us post, who cares if its a repeat, just state if you against it or not!
July 9, 2003, 4:19 pm
but thanks for controlling your anger this time!
July 10, 2003, 12:21 am
.223 JHP miniguns and 50 mm machine guns... LAG... but so fun
stationary weaponst would ruin the gameplay in my opinion, they should not be implemented and from what cbble posted i guess they will not be, thank god.
July 10, 2003, 9:55 pm
Man, all you guys against Stationary guns always take out that one part of the Stationary Guns thread. That was earlier. And then later he acutally made them and posted bloody screenshots. Honestly, if your going to use quote against people that at least make sure that they are current. Heres the words in a post he made AFTER the one you posted above:
I never promise anything but you'll probably see stationary guns in the next version. I made it and it's a lot of fun.
The only problem I have is where to place them on the existing maps. Any ideas?
Here is how it looks, it's an M2 stationary machine gun.
Download Attachment: screenshot19.jpg
18.44 KB
since the attathment didnt work, heres the pic
Anywa,y i think that stationary machine guns would work well if placed properly and designed properly. They might not be made, and if not then i wont cry or anything [:D] but i think that it could be cool, if, again, made, placed and desiegned properly.
July 10, 2003, 10:08 pm
The problem I have with stationaryguns is that they eould make the already difficult task of getting the flag nearly impossible. Unless they have some wierd balancing things, which would make them no better than ordinary guns, so yeah, uhm, bleh.
July 11, 2003, 2:45 am
"..Come on guys, if they are pissing you all off THAT bad, just don't reply. Who cares if they bring up the topic again.."
if michail woult implent it, it would make people mad. he already thought of implenting it, we gotta let him know that the idea suck.
"..There is already an extreme lack of teamplay in Soldat.."
"..The Soldat community already sucks.."
no offence, but please, stop dissing so much... you dont like soldat dont play it need for this. really..
and for teh stationary guns = NO
if u want stationary guns u probably use the minigun or just stand in one spot and act like a stationary gun by shooting + staying at teh same spot ;D
July 11, 2003, 5:05 am
Get used to it or stop playing. They will most likely be in the next version.
July 11, 2003, 6:00 am
It doesn?t matter; there are more people for than against. And Michal himself likes them, so you really cant do anything about it.
July 11, 2003, 10:13 am
i saw a post of him saying personally he thinks they suck, and he needs our oppinions.
"..more people for then against.." <- who, people that get thrashed up so they need some badass defence gattling gun ?
or newbies (no offence at anyone) that just played their first game and thought, wow this game is missing the awsome stationary gun from tribes or whatever.
Jay you act like he already put it in the game and all he needs is your approval that "more" people want s.guns.
July 11, 2003, 11:28 am
spawnkilling wont be prob if u make newspawns invincible in 3 secs or sumthing. on three secs u really can kill a gunner haaard
July 12, 2003, 1:49 am
Superkill : About him posting and saying that they werent good--read the first page of this thread. Okay? Michal himself says that stationary guns are good, fun, and he posted screen shots. He said that it wasnt good BEFORE.
Anyway, you guys against it, please dont bitch that much. At least some of you like EI acutally said why it would be bad. I have no problem with that--people dicussing ideas--thats the whole point of a forum--But most of you just insult the people who support it, and then dont say anything as to why it would suck, except something vague.
Now, i support stationary guns becuase they would be pretty fun. If placed properly and well on maps then they would work. To stop n00bs from lining up behind them therr would be a kickout time. They would be settable in the options menu so that people who liked it could play on servers that had it, and those who dont play on those that dont have them. Then everyone can be happy. There would be red mgs and blue mgs (not in color :D)and then mgs that anyone could use (those in the middle--maybe. It might be better jsut with mgs that only specific teams can use). It wouldnt have unlimited ammo--maybe 300 and then a really long reloading time.
Anyway, those are jsut some ideas. But i dont care tons about the stat. guns. Yeah, if they're made it would be pretty cool, i would like it, and then if they're not made then i wont cry. Soldats fine as it is, good as it is. But maybe stat guns could make it better. In fact, im pretty sure they could. I jsut want to emphasize that i dont mind tons upon tons if its not made, and i dont mind tons upon tons if it is made. The important thing here is that we have no say--only michal has that. We can talk our hearts out, and it wont make much of a difference.
July 12, 2003, 5:56 am
Holy Hell! Thank god someone has the patience t type more than I do! Thanks for getting my point out! Maybe people will stop complaining. Some of you satationary weapons haters may not like this, but I e-mailed Michal about taking a poll so that he could get an official count, and this matter could be resolved. Lets just wait for a reply!
July 12, 2003, 10:59 am
ffs why changing a winning game like soldat?
its already good as it is and it doesnt need more spawn killers/lags(yeah, if the s.guns will shoot like the minigun, which they will, it will lag the game bad)/whiners(aka: i want to be first!!!!).
1 more thing: ppl will no longer use their own weapon, they'll just run over the s.gun and start lagging, they will forgot how to (example) shoot m79 and the game, which is basiclly is about controling your weapon, will no longer do that, cuz all of the ppl will just spawn-run-going to s.guns-staying all the match on s.guns.
but then again, if michal already implented it, i guess i'll should be prepre for that/save copy of the old version.
July 12, 2003, 12:24 pm
First of all, if the M2 would be implemented then you should be able to chose if you want them on the map or not by checking a box somewere.
Personaly I would like a stationary M2, it would give extra firepower and adrenalin in the game.
Let's say there's two M2's in a CTF match. If you place them defensive in the map they would become less of an attraction. And if a team would suck more then the other, the fighting would mostly be held at the sucky teams base, a strong M2 would help that to even it out a bit and give the sucky team some room to expand.
Oh and I don't know how many rounds a M2 can have, but I know that it must have a reloadingtime like the LAW, atleast. That also would help to make the M2 a less used weapon.
m1nt ch3w
July 12, 2003, 12:32 pm
But won't the stationary guns just be on some maps? If there is stationary guns on that map, just don't play it.
Oh, and would people stop saying "stop trying to make soldat like <insert game here>." So what if it has something from another game? Together with the other stuff in Soldat, it is its own game.
July 12, 2003, 12:50 pm
Agree with M1nt Ch3w, Soldat is Soldat nomather what. I don't think <insert game here> has a copyright on all stationary guns...
they would jsut be fun to blow ppl away with , ain't that what half this game is about to most ppl :)
July 12, 2003, 9:39 pm
lets see how much you'll like them when they will be implented.
ofcourse the n00bs will like them cuz ALL they will do is sit on the stationary guns and spam.
oh and when they will get killed they'll complain here about how the stationary guns needs to fire missiles too.
July 12, 2003, 10:35 pm
And they'll want super shields on it. And if theres missiles they'll want one that has GPS and also heatseeks.
July 13, 2003, 2:37 am
And again superkill you just insult people. You offer no reason as to why statationary guns are bad. All you say is that they'll hog the guns and spam. Now, if you read other peoples post, you'd know that there are remedies for that. They are problems that can be solved. but ill jsut spell them out here, again. For hogging the gun : have a settable time limit and when that limit is reached the person is kicked out of the gun, and unable to reenter it for a settable amount of time. Or maybe jsut make it unable to enter it for 8 mins or somthing
As for spamming, well, that occurs alot now too. Minigunners, other auto weapons. And besides, if they spam, they can only do that for so long, and with a extra long reloading time, they wouldnt want to spam so much. As well, again, if you dont like stat guns then dont play in servers that have them. Simple.
But i think that all you people against this idea, at least superkill and namjagerungbengi, seen to be dissing n00bs alot. Im sorry, but you are. YOu judge them all as stupid idiots, while most of them are alright. Sure, some are annoying and morons, but there arent tons upon tons of those. For christ sake, im sure some of the people that you label as n00bs view you as one. Try to at least keep that in mind.
July 13, 2003, 3:49 am
I don't remember specifically calling anyone a n00b. And if you noticed (which you hadn't), my above post was sarcasm.
July 13, 2003, 6:07 am
if u see me saying "n00b" and u think i mean "stupid \ idiot \ moron", it is you who think they are morons \ idiots \ stupid. thats in ur head, in your memory n00b means a bad thing.
nvm, i didnt ment an idiot, when i said idiot people or idiot n00bs i did ment idiots, ANYWAY.
"..As for spamming, well, that occurs alot now too. Minigunners, other auto weapons.."
only miniguns spam, no other auto weapon. ;P
"..You offer no reason as to why statationary guns are bad.."
i dont offer reasons ?
mmehh..i'm sure i did ;P
but i'll name them again.
*noobs will take over them and forget all about actually playing soldat.
*stupid people will fight over them.
*it will spam and lag the server.
*2 snipers for guarding on b2b or laos is quite enough, guess what will happen with a stationary gun over there.
*some people will quit or support coming back to 1.0.5
there are more, trust me.
but i think those are enough
July 13, 2003, 6:16 am
I should give 1.0.5 a try. But the graphics turn me away a bit. But 1.1.4 is a bit hectic and frantic, but I can still handle it. Dunno about when stationary guns are implemented. I loved 1.1.3 best though. Maybe I'll like 1.0.5 more. Too bad theres no lobby server for it.
July 13, 2003, 7:02 am
But what if MGs were a server option? Would it be ok then? If you don?t like them, uncheck the box.
Also, all the things you mentioned have already been addressed and solved, so I don?t know why you continue to bring up these things over and over again.
July 13, 2003, 5:28 pm
Yes, I'm tired of people bringing up the same problems over and over again that have already been addressed.
Problem 1.- Spawn Killing- Placement of weapon so that it cannot aim at spawn area, or make a spawn sheild.
Problem 2.- Newbee Lines- Thats just not going to happen, cause the will get killed while waiing.
Probelm 3.- Lag- As I said, make them cannons or something that can only be fired like once every 5 seconds, so that there aren't bullets flying everywhere.
July 13, 2003, 5:40 pm
I'm tired of people who keep suggesting this idea as well. So it seems Michal will implement it soon, woohoo for you. We should just lock these threads now.
My biggest complain would be gameplay. These guns will just make it more frantic. Look at 1.0.5, that was all skill, and it wasn't all crazy like it will be. 1.1.4 is already crazy enough with all the chainsawers and [:-censored]. I think 1.1.3 had the best gameplay speed. The addition of stationary guns will just make it that much more hectic. And sure you can say "GO PLAY ANOTHER MAP", bull sh!t. These guns will most likely be implemented in CTF and Infilitration, which I play non-stop.
July 13, 2003, 6:17 pm
But you can uncheck the box to disable them. Hmm? Didn?t I say that already?
1.0.5B all skill? No, it was all cheats and lag.
July 13, 2003, 6:51 pm
And tons of bugs. Now at least lots of bugs are fixed. And the MGs are made. I dunno if they're good or bad yet, havent tried it so far, but it is part of the game now. And as Jay said, just uncheck the box and play that way. Im sure that there will be tons of servers without them, and so just play on those. okay?
July 13, 2003, 6:55 pm
thank you n00bs for ruin soldat.
you can now spam our maps
July 13, 2003, 7:07 pm
Man, dont be such a bitch. You say 'our' maps, as if soldat belongs to you. It belongs to everybody, and quite a few like stationary guns. Anyway, i correct myself, you cannot turn off stationary guns (that i could see) an option which should be made. But stationary guns are only on certain maps.
But i think that, while i like the stationary guns alot and they're pretty fun, there should be an ammo limit, and then a reloading time, not infinite ammo. what i do like is that maps with stationary guns, most hve routes that go around the stationary guns, so you can come up behind them. Also a kickoff time should be made, but thats just me. Again, i like the stat guns, but there are some minor additions that should be made.
I correct myself, again :D. Sorry all, i was reading over michals post again and i saw this":
If you don't like the stationary guns they can be disabled in Soldat.ini, just change the field Stationary_Guns=0 (server option)..
Sooo, since i am dumb and didnt see that before i thought that you couldnt turn it off. But you can, and so theres no reason for you guys to bitch. just play on a server with it off.......
July 13, 2003, 7:53 pm
if dnagames will have it off it will be good
July 14, 2003, 3:57 pm
Hmmmm seems that very few people have a problem with them...:/
It seems the "n00bs" are everywhere, and SK is one of the only "non-n00bs" left...
Come on...everyone else somewhat likes them or can show some tolerance. Grow up already. Or be like me and play 1.05b! :P
July 14, 2003, 7:35 pm
I am getting VERY tired of you superkill... You keep spamming the forum with "stop ruining soldat" or "n00bs have taken over soldat" but you never say why you hate them. I won't deny that I was afraid stationary guns would make it impossible to get the flag, but they actually don't. Besides, a gunner is a sitting duck for a sniper like myself. >:)
July 14, 2003, 10:58 pm
We're all not snipers I think, I am not sure.
July 14, 2003, 11:51 pm
Then you'd best learn if you want to counter them.