July 13, 2003, 12:05 am
I don't know if anyone has suggested this before but, what do you think of having a spectator mode? So players can spectatate other players. and if its 3v2 1 player can go spectate. Or, Clan leader can spectate a member who wants to recruit etc... think about it.
July 13, 2003, 12:07 am
Hell yeah! like for the finals for the sctfl that would be so awesome being able to watch. You would also be able to watch popular servers to look for good players. I think it would be a cool idea if you made it into a menu option so you could turn it on and off. good idea illskills
July 13, 2003, 12:07 am
Yeah I was gonna post this lol, you beat me to it. Sort of like SubSpace (dunno if any of you plays it). Where you can follow an user. Might be useful for noobs so they can see how I mutilate them.
Tha Doggfather
July 13, 2003, 12:13 am
how can you mutilate them if they are not playing but spectating lol
anyway it has been said before, but i still think its a good idea.
July 13, 2003, 12:23 am
Yea, this would be real nice. I don't know why nam used an example from another game though, since we do have spectating in Soldat... in a way..
What I mean is, when you die, and say theres a 10 second wait, you get to click and follow around other players on your team.
So for spectating, it would just be like that, but you could watch anyone, and you wouldn't have to die to do it.
I think the best way to choose to spectate or not is just have it selectable when you enter a game and you choose which team. In white letters it would say:
Red (*)
Blue (*)
Spectators (*)
(*=number of people)
Have a checkbox in the player menu, called Spectate.
If checked, when you join a game, you would be a spectator.
For both of these, when you would hit F1, it would show the players and their team color in their name (like it does now) but down at the very bottom, in white maybe, would say the spectators names.
July 13, 2003, 1:04 am
great idea skills. i think it whould be very useful. also namjagerungbengi i play sup space(continuum) and so does emoac. im a newb though only been playing a little over 3 days
yea good idea, but hey don't take the fun out of 3vs2 [or 3vs1>=)]
July 13, 2003, 2:21 am
snappy: what zones do you play in? I stopped playing continuum for awhile, but I'll probably go back, I always do. i have been playing for about 3 years
July 13, 2003, 6:50 pm
Bah nam, it is? Wish I played it, so I didn't have to write that whole long post about it....
I went and looked at it on looks pretty interesting.... looks ALOT like a game I've played before.. it probably is the same one, but I just forgot the name...
July 15, 2003, 12:57 am
Well, You could just join server and go to sleep correct? I'm talking about Joining server then u want totake a break push esc then spectator mode and u just click to spectate whoever u want. want to leave spectator mode just hit esc again and join game. simple....
July 15, 2003, 1:04 am
you can do spectator mode if your running your own server not dedicated and a team match of some sort and you can watch ppl duke it out kinda cool.