November 6, 2002, 10:02 am
okay I can get the bots in my map all the way into the enemy base using path 1. They are even capable of grabbing the flag.
I presume path 1 is for red team and path 2 for blue team.
Therefore, I tried to make return points on path 1 but the bots just got confused and couldn't get out of the base.
So, how do the bots return with the flag. Do they switch to use path 2 for the return journey? None of the existing CTF maps have a return journey for either path.
November 6, 2002, 10:54 am
If I have understood right, the bots automaically invert their path after carrying the flag. My map ctf_duet is a good example why this system kind of... well... sucks... I have to bring the blue bots down from their flag and 'cause I want 'em to fall, I don't use the FLY command. This means that while they are coming back with the flag, they are too stupid to fly up to their flag-frag point. This is why I suggested the "only-if" values to some waypoints in the MapMaker Improvements/suggestions forum [:D].
November 6, 2002, 7:45 pm
Red team will follow path 1 to the enemy flag, once they are in possession of the enemy flag they return to their flag via the path 2.
Blue team will follow path 2 to the enemy flag, once they are in possession of the enemy flag they return to their flag via the path 1.
So if you have pathed path 1 good to the blue flag then the bots will always make it to the blue flag. If you have pathed path 2 good to the red flag then the bots will always return with the blue flag. Test your maps with only one team of bots in a map. If you are having problems figuring out if a bot is hitting a waypoint, then place a poly right on top of the waypoint. DO NOT COMPILE THE MAP. The poly will be non-solid and the bot will ignore the poly passing right through it. This way you can aim your bots during jumps, flying and the like. Also, remember if the following is waypoints
Then Once the bot hits A he is obeying what point B says, once he hits waypoint B he is obeying waypoing C. If there is a jump between A and C and the bot never hits B then the bot will remain locked into what point B told him to do until he hits another waypoint on the same path, error correction causes the bot to reverse course, or he runs out of jet pack fuel.
Thats about all the help I can give. Questions? ask.