the soldat need new command for this:
/name (name) -> change name
/block (name the weapon)
/enable (name the weapon)
/[:-censored] -> the soldier... , you know
/exit -> go to desktop
/kick (player) -> but the number ip is realy sux [xx(]
/ban (player) -> but the number ip is realy sux [xx(]
new mensages, for exemple:
ALT + T + T + 4 : victory
this very cool and need more msg:
ALT + R + R + 4 : All Are there?
this is a exemple [xx(]
post new commands [^]
/name (name) -> change name
/block (name the weapon)
/enable (name the weapon)
/[:-censored] -> the soldier... , you know
/exit -> go to desktop
/kick (player) -> but the number ip is realy sux [xx(]
/ban (player) -> but the number ip is realy sux [xx(]
new mensages, for exemple:
ALT + T + T + 4 : victory
this very cool and need more msg:
ALT + R + R + 4 : All Are there?
this is a exemple [xx(]
post new commands [^]