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Bigger Maps means Vehiculs
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
July 20, 2003, 1:38 am
Hey Everyone!!!
What about (Bigger Maps and Vehiculs). I guess it would't be so tough to make it work. I'm thinking about: Jeeps, Planes (Slow Big Bombers), Tanks, APCs, Bikes and maybe invasion boats(ohama beach genre)if we see some water in the next version. U put 1 or 2 vehiculs per teams and thats it!! A chopper by the way!!! This means new stationnary weaps: AA guns or missiles launchers and Anti vehicul turrets. M79, nades and the LAW could be used to take vehiculs out...
Think about it and give me some news everyone....(I'm seeing me on a bike..taking a jump over enemies and fire at them while in the air :)

(Lt Patterson)

July 20, 2003, 1:56 am
well look. alotta people dont liek this, but if they used their heads and thought about it, it would work.

i havent seen one map that uses the entire map maker, not one map, imagine how big it would be, look at CTF_run, imagine a much much bigger map, vehicles would be handy,and it could be a new game mode, basically guns would be realistic but we wouldnt over do it.maybe a jeep a tank, a helicopter with missles and bombs, and a bomber. not too huge not too fast but it would be fun, and they have either a spawn time, or a spawn time after destruction. i think it would be cool, new game modes dont ruin games, since there are always the others. we could always have someone help or do it for michael if he doesnt like it, just so the the community could try it, ive seen alot of posts on this and they all got spammed, just think about it a bit. thats all, i think it could be fun and more serious than ctf. thats one of soldats problems.

people see the menus and such, and the style of graphics and they think, oh this must be gay. so we need something to make it more interesting....people that don't download either cause it isn't serious, and they dont even look at the download size

July 20, 2003, 2:00 am
looky, Vechiles wont work, and everyone is supposed to know that after that old topic "VECHILES MAN!"
I mean jsut imagine how stupid it'd look, I mean soldat is a 2d game.. imagine how retarded the vechiles would look like and how they'd actually turn left or right.... i mean its just lame.... u gotta admit it and it just wouldnt be right, and thats what we all ahve to live with "NO VECHILES"

July 20, 2003, 2:04 am
Good !!! By the way... Maybe we could add Jobs or class to this game: Medic, Engineer, Lieutenant...Sniper, Sapper..... Whatever

July 20, 2003, 2:07 am
Hey eyic! Maybe it would be possible to design the tanks symetric or they could just flip like the soldats.

July 20, 2003, 2:21 am
quote:Originally posted by eyic
looky, Vechiles wont work, and everyone is supposed to know that after that old topic "VECHILES MAN!"
I mean jsut imagine how stupid it'd look, I mean soldat is a 2d game.. imagine how retarded the vechiles would look like and how they'd actually turn left or right.... i mean its just lame.... u gotta admit it and it just wouldnt be right, and thats what we all ahve to live with "NO VECHILES"

looky, Jet Packs wont work, and everyone is supposed to know that after that old topic "JET PACKS MAN!"
I mean jsut imagine how stupid it'd look, I mean soldat is a 2d game.. imagine how retarded you'd look flying around with Jet Packs .... i mean its just lame.... u gotta admit it and it just wouldnt be right, and thats what we all ahve to live with "NO JET PACKS"

July 20, 2003, 2:28 am

July 20, 2003, 3:05 am
ok aspa your just stupid even more then m and thats pretty damn stupid but its not possible for vicheals to be implamented cuz its just a stupid idea i mean would it run outta gas yor be be dystroible i mean these are all things u have to think about what happens if u take the car to the red base and get killed where would the car be could the red team take over all the cars would there only be 3 people with key what about all of that again stupid and pointless idea and patterson learn to use the edit button or u will be flamed and not just by me

July 20, 2003, 3:12 am
U guys never played Battlefield 1942... in this game u have plenty of vehicules... u can run u can flight in a combat airplane, use a ship.... and theres no problems. if u run an ancounter a tank, u hide or u take him down with a nade or bazooka.

July 20, 2003, 3:50 am
U said that the vehicules would like horrible, but look at that screenshot i found from a WW2 mod. I know this tank isin't usable, but it looks great!!!


July 20, 2003, 4:06 am

Somebody PLEASE pin one of the vehicle topics so all these posts about vehicles can stay in one topic

Yes, vehicles would work, but we have to many ignorant elitists that think Soldat belongs to them and fear change to ever have enough support for this.

All negative things you could say about vehicles have already been addressed and fixed with several creative solutions.

July 20, 2003, 4:18 am
yes i know that jay but i think they are still stupid and patterson learn to use the [:-censored]ing edit but and stop dbl posting thats [:-censored] is stupid but this game isnt based off of battlefeild 1942 so nothing is realavent about that game

July 20, 2003, 4:20 am

July 20, 2003, 4:40 am
this game is liek a quick arcade u run aroudn shoot and die, there wont be enuf time to get on a vechile and drive it ot the enemy base, coz u'd be dead by then and there absouotely wont be any POINT.

And Weenie stop posting useless posts all aroudn the forum like : haha , wtf , hello , im new, its very unneccesary and in the wrong forums...

July 20, 2003, 4:47 am
OH NOES! I could actually read something in the last paragraph IT wrote!! :O

July 20, 2003, 9:59 am
Make it a forum rule not to post topics about vehicles (unless they are threads making fun of people who like this idea).

July 20, 2003, 10:52 am
And there have been 2 people in this topic so far who can spell vehicles correctly ;). And considering that everyone is from USA, Canada, Australia and England apart from the guy from Norway and the other who didn't put his location, that fact is rather worrying :P.

On topic: VEHICLES WOULD KICK ASS. Eyic, vehicles WOULD look stupid, but Soldat looks stupid anyway, so it would fit in.

JayBDay: I'm a Colonel and I support the idea. Some elite are open minded :)

On the original ideas: NO FLYING VEHICLES. Flying vehicles would mean maps would be HUUUUUUUUUUUGE because flying has no limit. And the programming for every direction a helicopter would go would be hard. AND there would NEVER be enough space to fly a damned plane. I think:



Tha Doggfather
July 20, 2003, 11:15 am
*bursts out in tears*

WHY? WHY? i must admit: im almost out of pics to cover these topics that have already been brought up a 1000 times before

im kinda neutral for these vehicles, they could be fun, but they could also ruin soldat completely like the stationary guns almost did.

July 20, 2003, 2:08 pm
You know, I've been in all of Pattersons topics, and each one has you come in and get pissed off because they are all old ideas. Its getting really funny now. [:-D]

July 20, 2003, 2:24 pm
Sorry to dissapoint u BUT!!! I just got my membership yesterday! So sorry about the old [:-censored]s...

July 20, 2003, 5:51 pm
off topic:
27 posts in less then a day? ...
back to topic:
omg isnt the s.guns aren't enough for you? ffs dont you get tierd of this [:-censored]?

July 20, 2003, 10:34 pm
People said SGs would ruin the game, but they didn't. The fact is MOST people like SGs, and you few people who don't can disable them.

Michal didn't put them into all the maps, and you can even disable them, isn?t that enough for you?

July 21, 2003, 12:05 am
god damit, jay is a smart man. OH NO, ITS GONNA RUIN SOLDAT, OH NO, ITS GONNA MAKE THE GAME BAD, OH NO, SOLDAT IS A QUICK ARCADE TYPE GAME, OH NO, IM SAD AND DONT LIKE NEW GAME MODES. god dammit you foolish people, it would be a new game mode, it wouldnt be part of death match or anything, it would be COMPLETELY DIFFERANT. IF PEOPLE DONT LIKE IT THEY WONT PLAY IT, THE WAY ALMOST NOONE PLAYS SURVIVOR MODE. a tank an apc and a hummer/jeep would be cool, no planes maybe, but a small helicopter that fits 2 people one to drive and one to shoot out would be cool and of course there can be a limit to how high it flies, thats what a roof is for, the helicopter would just be made as an obstacle. its that simple.

anyways alot of people said chinsaws ruined the game, but u still have people running around using them, right, or wrong? same thing with stationary guns, they ruined the game, or almost. is that almost the, "i kinda like it"?

and then u have people wanting to add land mines, and you have people saying oh thats cool,and a bat for christ sake, and peole say oh, thats cool

July 21, 2003, 12:20 am
couple of things;

SG's did almost ruin the game because it doesn't matter if we turn them off, good servers like DNA games still has them on.

Vehicles would be too retarded because there is no way that a soldat with any other gun that an M79 or M72 Law could withstand them. You can't hide unless its in a bush and ud be run over. unless its a plane, I have no problems with planes but I have some ideas for it;

-Doesn't shoot or drop bombs.
-NOT IN CTF, Deathmatch, Rambomatch, or Pointmatch.
-basicly these r the rules; Computer controlled, goes back and forth acting like a spawnpoints dropping units off to parachute down. Goes at same hight and speed at all times.

There shouldn't be any problems with this because the newbs wouldn't get crazy. And there wouldn't be an unbelievable amount of lag caused from multiple vehicles firing.

July 21, 2003, 12:54 am
not annother vehicle topic. but im with doggfather, im neutral and im sick of the vehicle topics

July 21, 2003, 1:03 am
I?m pro vehicle, but I?m also sick of all the topics.

So someone should pin this so no other will be made.

About destroying vehicles. The LAW is a secondary weapon, which mean that all soldiers are potentially anti-armor equipped. Travel with your team mates and make sure at least one guy has a law. Problem solved.

About SGs. Like I said, your one of the very few people who don?t like them. Most of the rest of us do so live with it or make your own server. They wouldn't be on DNA games if people didn?t like them, someone would remove if people really were complaining, but aside from the occasional DM-purist who hates everything added since 1.0.5, people LIKE the SGs.

July 21, 2003, 1:04 am
it would be cool that michal let us do some more in the mods, that way u play what u like and [:-censored] off the other

July 21, 2003, 1:09 am
I wouldn't mind all of these if we had it in different modes and implemented in diff maps just not in the ctf maps ^_^ (and the ability to disable them as well)

July 21, 2003, 1:15 am
JayBDay said-
"They wouldn't be on DNA games if people didn?t like them"

Not arguing that...alot of people like them... thats because they use them to camp due to their lack of skill. Why introduce things that require no skill. thats y the planes should only be used as portable spawnareas that you can jump out of at will. That way the fighting concept stays. Im sorry that you wanna have no real fighting and be protected by thick armor but the fighting hasta stay. If there would be tanks and [:-censored] dont you think people would just wait for tanks to appear and ride them instead of going headlong into a base full of heavy vehicles.

July 21, 2003, 1:32 am
i agree wih tir blade... in urban terror, on this on map there is a helicopter that can hold 3 people, one on a gun and 2 on either side, so in this case, just 2 people standing together with 2 people side by side, and then, the way it works in urban terror, for example, when you get in, you choose locations, which would make for super huge strategic/tactical soldat maps...

but as for jeeps and tanks, you can have the law, the ak, the steyr aug, even the m79 to take a jeep/hummer out, although guns like a ruger or mp5 wouldnt do much damage. miek could also code it the way grand theft auto vice city does, if you hit the guy in the jeep in the head, which will have an open top, he dies and the vehicle is left there up for grabs, same for hummer, you would just have to hit it where the windows are, and since its 2d, you would simply shoot at the area on top of the hood (where the windows are, since) since a hummer and jeep are so squarish

July 21, 2003, 12:17 pm
planes would be ok, for a parachute drop.

Jeeps should have a SG on it.
They should not be able to climb steep inclines so you must get out.
Tanks can go up steep inclines but to steep and it rolls over.
Perhaps having sticky bombs as well with the tanks![:P]

Im pretty neutral about it

July 21, 2003, 12:30 pm
i think all of this is stupid and point less but i say that about alot but oh well

and sgs almost made me stop playing the game they are that bad and i hate to say it but i havent seen that many people like i used to

July 21, 2003, 12:42 pm
I wouldn't mind one jeep & one Heli.
both un-armed & destructible. The heli being able to fit 2 ppl other than the pilot, both cannot engage combat unless hey either bail out or survive a crash.
The pilot can only get out if he/she (I know 2 female players) lands the heli prefectly or survives a crash.
The jeep should be able to fit up to 3 ppl including the driver & defenceless (except the run-over function) & lakes fall damage if it does jumps.

overall, this should only be flat maps that don't allow the jetpack otherwise the concept would ruin the game-play

July 21, 2003, 12:49 pm
bornacorn said-
"Jeeps should have a SG on it."

Oh great idea dumbass. That's basicly making a portable S.gun which only adds to the problem. Like S.guns rnt cheap enough already.

July 21, 2003, 12:54 pm
otherwise why not have a mobile SG !?

Tha Doggfather
July 21, 2003, 2:59 pm
maybe that SG would be alot less powerfull...

July 21, 2003, 11:44 pm
Maybe something the power of a Steyr Aug or M249. Remember, a jeep couldn't take much knockback without causing damage to the mountings. I'm still really against the ideas of planes or helicopters. PLane = flies too fast. Helicopter = the rotors would cause HELLISH lag.

July 22, 2003, 12:03 am
good point, why not make it hover

July 22, 2003, 2:06 am
I'm happy to see that subject interest you guys. I was reading your suggestions and I'll go with the group. Hummers or jeeps would be enough --> with a mounted SG (not so powerful- maybe like M249) The guy that would be on the mounted SG do not have cover and can get killed easy. And for the driver and passenger, they would get cover(if it's a hummer) but if it is a Jeep.. none of them as cover. Then if u want an heli in the game. It could be the same (Mounted SG w/ passengers & Driver) controls: up, down, left, right... Thats all! And for lone Wolfs we could add a (Motor) Bike Harley Davidson style or army style. Bike would be faster but weaker. could be used for retreat or fast strikes. Now, we have to talk about collisions... Is the vehicles pass side of enemies or they bump them in the air making a 1/2 hit damage...

And yes... it could...it should be a new game type or mode whatever. Warfield mode or Base War Mode...

By the way... the vehicle should respawn in it's base after it's destruction. Maybe there could be a refuel/repair platform in the base.

+ how about airstrikes in that mode. I mean... their will be 1 radio per teams. Same as the flag, the radio is waiting there to be taken by one member of the team. The way it could work: u have radio, u see enemies on defencive. u take out ur radio and call in a airstrike. It could take 3 or 4 seconds but if u are killed... no planes. The pointer of ur mouse would be the requesting target spot. Then the power of the air strike should not overpast the strenght of 5 LAW munitions (small area of effect). How about that. It's just a suggestion I just think of.

July 22, 2003, 2:59 am
Well if you could do moving polygons you could make the helicopter with polys. You could control movement with the same way you do with bot waypts and with this you can make the polygons fuse together, so it can easily be waypointed instead of doing one for each poly.

July 22, 2003, 3:02 am
Can we make that heli with a BMP?

July 22, 2003, 3:03 am
how about airstrikes in that mode. I mean... their will be 1 radio per teams. Same as the flag, the radio is waiting there to be taken by one member of the team. The way it could work: u have radio, u see enemies on defencive. u take out ur radio and call in a airstrike. It could take 3 or 4 seconds but if u are killed... no planes. The pointer of ur mouse would be the requesting target spot. Then the power of the air strike should not overpast the strenght of 5 LAW munitions (small area of effect). How about that. It's just a suggestion I just think of.

July 22, 2003, 3:06 am
rofl now airstrikes

July 22, 2003, 4:42 am
it should be a damn rare item to find if it's that bad an Idea.
I still think that weapons should be limited to the characters & not the actual vehicles

July 22, 2003, 5:45 am
airstrikes........... your crazy patterson.

July 22, 2003, 6:20 am
Okay. I have always been somewhat against this if its in all modes (thats what some people have suggested) However, if it is a completly different mode, then it would be alright. Maybe there could be vehicle versions for CTF and INF. It would be noted in the title of it, so people would know. Still, i wouldnt like it tons--would still play normal CTF way more--Also, as eyic brought up, how the hell would they turn? And as some one else said, what if they run into each other.
For when they run into each other, i think that they hit, ie, not pass through. However, lets say its a tracked vehicle, they could climb over each other. Or the heavier vehicle would push the other one forward. When, for some reason, the two vehicles cant climb over or wahtever, then the people would just have to hop out and blow up the other one.

Anyway, i think that there should be a hummer/tracked vehicle, and then a bike. No tanks. Also, i am against all air stuff---would be sorta stupid. If a vehicle is destroyed a settable spawn period would occur. The minimum spawn period would be 1 minute, moving up to 5 minutes maximum. This way, the vehicles wouldnt be popping out every where. As for maps, if the set ups something liike CTF_run then there would be brigdes connecting the top to the middle level.

Also, the vehicles would hurt when they drop long distances.

In conclusion, the vehicle idea would work if it is a seperate game mode, has different maps and has only ground vehicles in moderation. That, and only that.
I would still play normal CTF more, but this could be fun, sometimes.

Btw, airstrikes is a bloody stupid idea.

July 22, 2003, 7:25 am
Only thing I want to be killed by is skill. Not dumb air strikes.

July 22, 2003, 8:17 am
OR !!

July 22, 2003, 9:28 am
Hey please, I'd prefer if we'd focus more on making better the things that are already in the game.

This vehicle-conversation has been SO done long time ago.
IMHO I think it would be too much a change to the feelig of the game, and would certainly bring so many new elements to the game that the balance is sure to go broken in some things, even how small they'd be.

Implementing the kind of mega-destructive features you have brought up would be , sorry no offence, totally stupid and ruin the straightfoward feeling of the game. Totally. I'd think that would be obvious to anyone playing the game. Oh, I think I went the offending way anyway :/ sorry.

juice _ box
July 22, 2003, 10:15 am
i am pro jeeps,tanks,helis (heli's could be a bitch to fly for balance) and if its a seperate game mode why not?
just my 2 cents.
a juice box

July 22, 2003, 3:46 pm
Does any1 not see that every1 would just want the vehicles? Nobody would want to get out of them.

July 22, 2003, 8:31 pm
Again, i think that maybe as a new game mode, it would work. However, i think that its definatly a new step forward, or whatever, a bloody big one at that. Without a doubt all bugs should be fixed first, and then there are probably other things that should be made before this. Vehicles would definatly change soldat, and im not too sure if it would be good or bad. It all depends on how they're implemented and created. I am still neutral/mildly, mildly pro...

July 22, 2003, 8:52 pm
AGAINST! other than if its a portable Spawnpoint(carrior Plane that's computerized and goes back and forth at the same speed and height)

July 22, 2003, 9:10 pm
omg How about we all end these stupid vehicle threads, holy jebus.

July 22, 2003, 9:44 pm

July 22, 2003, 9:57 pm

I think the only 'moveable objects' that works fine for Soldat without ruining the gameplay are vehicles on trails ( metro, train, tram would be a nice feature in city-based maps. By Example a tunnel with a metro) and 'machines with moveable parts' (For factory maps, a harbor map etc...).

Resumed ... moveable objects with autonomous repetitive actions.

July 22, 2003, 11:02 pm
EXACTELY!!! so that no newbs can use them. thats what i was thinking about the carrior plane. Except that the plane would be a spawnpoint.

July 22, 2003, 11:08 pm
Yeah as long as the vehicles are not player controlled only merely to control it to when to stop and go. (pre made movements for the vehicles)

July 22, 2003, 11:18 pm
Sorry if u find some of my ideas stupid but I'm only trying to know what interest people. Now I know that any controlable flying things are rejected and also those airstrikes. But Hummers seems to interest u as a moving SG with the fire power of a M249 or Ster Aug. The halftrack seems to interest some people too. Would be good for the transport (only! no mounted guns) of the soldiers. Theres also the carrior Plane that would be interesting...

July 22, 2003, 11:29 pm
Airstrikes are the stupidest idea I've heard yet. And I've heard a lot.

I think that the only flying vehicles included should be the type Blade suggested. Thats it.

Duke33: Instead of a new game mode, you could do a new type, like realistic and survival. It would run the game mode, with different maps made for vehicles. If you didn't run the vehicles mode, then you could have the option to play the usual maps, or the vehicle camps without the vehicles. You could do this, or have the game modes normal with a selection in options for vehicles. Then, new maps would be included so when you played, for instance, CTF, you were playing on ctf_viet, then it turned to ctf_**** which had vehicles in. This would be like S guns - some maps have them, and they can be turned off so you can play the maps without them. I think this would work.

July 22, 2003, 11:39 pm
A heli it not bad if it'd damn near impossible to fly.

July 22, 2003, 11:42 pm
NOOOOOOOOO! The maps would never be big enough for helicopters! And think about how hard they would be to destroy! And, if you managed to kill the pilot, the helicopter would fall and crash, respawning it. You wouldn't be able to steal it.

juice _ box
July 23, 2003, 1:16 am
i could construct a decent map for a heli, but thats just me.
a juice box

July 23, 2003, 10:11 am
how about: making legs to sentry guns! that would be awesome!AND it would need an "use" button too!

stupendous man
July 23, 2003, 10:16 am

stationarys are...well...not really that great to begin with

it kind of destroys any point in deathmatches and rambos...

great for ctf though

juice _ box
July 23, 2003, 1:15 pm
i dont know what peoples problem is with sg's. germans used them on d-day and newbs use them in soldat. if it kills you so what, its your fault for letting him. if you dont wanna die go predator style and think of a creative way of killing him. stop crying and learn to defeat it. I have You should.
a juice box

July 23, 2003, 3:05 pm

juice _ box
July 23, 2003, 3:23 pm
go play some elastomania if you wanna do some fancy moto - bike tricks

July 23, 2003, 9:01 pm
muuuuuust haaaaveee veeeeicleeeeess....

Leo Da Lunerfox
July 24, 2003, 1:38 am
if things like jeeps, hummers, and bikes are included, make the maps so that the middle of the battlefield sinks in, so that u can't just drive the cars right into the enemy base, also, cars should have disadvenages, such as taking time to start it moving, braking time, and any experienced player should be able to shoot something 5 times the size of a soldat unless they are on drugs or something. also, land mines could also be used, any walking soldat player would stop in time to get over the mine, but make the cars unable to see the mine itself until they hit the mine, unless they have infantry marching with it.

July 24, 2003, 11:02 am
Thats a good idea. I think that land mines should only be included if vehicles are.

And we can't have bikes. That WOULD be unfair.

juice__box: I LOVED the germans/newb comparision. Hilarious!

juice _ box
July 24, 2003, 11:08 am
we got owned back in the day.

Leo Da Lunerfox
July 24, 2003, 7:32 pm
oh yeah, juice box, elastomanic is quite funny, i entertained me for about 5 minutes...

July 26, 2003, 1:14 am
Ok, Ok, I god damnit agree with vehicles... AND IM GOING TO PROVE IT! ill show you ppl how easy it can be.... Well... First of all, we need to start with a vehicle, a Tank. Tank: Maybe something like:

Download Attachment: [IMAGE] tank zample.bmp71.32 KB lol i know pretty bodgy, but, its a zample, it would turn say, 7 times, etc etc...but its a good idea. It could be just like your player, cannot jump, fly, but has a turret on it which is the primary weapone, can crush players, etc etc... Slow movment, cannot go over too steep tarrains, but can clime say a /... it could work pretty nice tho... Maybe michel should just test it... Unless he has allready...

juice _ box
July 26, 2003, 1:55 am
there will not be vehicles untill the lag problem is fixed. simple as that bugs first these things later