July 23, 2003, 8:34 pm
Ok, here's another good Idea([:D])
How's about gravitation option? ou can choose between Mars, Earth, moon and so on...
Maybe, there could be a new set for that in the map designer, too, and little Moonman suits...[:P]
July 23, 2003, 8:56 pm
Okay....firstly, the moonman suits. No.
Secondly, on the main issue. Lets think here. Lets say that theres 0 gravity. Youd just float up, up and beyond. So, no on that. However, it would be cool, perhaps, to have low to high gravity. The default would be normal, Soldat as we know it now, and then you could have high gravity (wouldnt be able to jump or jet high, bullets are dragged down faster, etc). however, with high gravity, some of the maps would be not usuable, since some of them require you to jet to certain places, to go along alternative routes. As for low gravity (jumping and jettig gets you higher, bullets dont drop nearly as fast, extremly slowly.) It would work on all maps, if too well.
In conclusion, i like the idea of having high, normal and low gravity settings, but there is some problems with maps working properly, and also it would look sort of stupid, but hey. Any which way, i suspect even if this way made that most of the major servers would still have the normal setting for normal soldat (note: the setting of gravity would be viewable in the server lsit)
July 23, 2003, 9:15 pm
Hmm would be interesting, but maybe it should be used as a setting for the map, like jet fuel is. Would eliminate the problem of making maps difficult/impossible to play. Or we could add more jet to counter-act the gravity's limiting where you could go...but of course, that would mostly eliminate the effect of gravity, so maybe not...I dunno, just some ideas.
July 23, 2003, 9:17 pm
Hey, thats acutally a really good idea. All of the current maps would be normal gravity type, and then different maps could be made for high and low gravity. Good job.
On making more jet fuel to go against the high gravity, as you said, that would counter act it and make the whole thing sort of point less....
July 23, 2003, 9:29 pm
Yay, Duke said my idea was good. I feel special ^_^
July 23, 2003, 9:37 pm
mine too...
Let's party![:D]
I hope, this idea will become true...
July 23, 2003, 9:54 pm
But what would happen in realistic mode...I mean, with the way it is now, if the gravity is high enough you will die if you take a step, netherless if you come to a hill. And grenades will be much harder to throw for any sort of distance to not blow yourself up, making them barely usable...Yes I still think its a great idea, if the bugs/problems could be fixed.
July 23, 2003, 11:31 pm
i dunno, but i think that the gravity should be left alone. Some people would just stay towards the top with the flag and you would never notice.
July 24, 2003, 12:46 am
yeah i agree with tweak plus it would be bad for lag cause youd be teleporting more in midair >:-[
July 24, 2003, 12:52 am
It's a great idea, but moongravity is 1/6 lower then on the earth, so that means that you can, with help of your jetpack, cruise on to the top of the map.
Leo Da Lunerfox
July 24, 2003, 1:00 am
not so low gravity that people would stay being on the top of the map, just enough so that they jump higher, lower fall damage, and bullets slow down and fly straighter. as for high gravity, i don't support it due to the abuse on it with Counter Strike... but u could make high gravity mode no fall damage and stuff
July 24, 2003, 1:11 am
an option/mode would be fine I like all new additions except for stupid ones as long as they have a disable option.