Michal Marcinkowski
July 30, 2003, 1:44 pm
The updated version for the linux dedicated server is finally here. Grab the file from the download section and start those low-latency servers!
The server is still beta. The interface is the same as in version 1.1.3, it is just updated to Soldat 1.1.5. The full version with all the options is still being developed, it will be soon.
Please read the README.TXT after download !
Please post bugs in Bugs forum, if you've got suggestions try the Developer Corner forum, or just mail me (michalm@poczta.fm).
July 30, 2003, 3:07 pm
ooo sweet! here comes the low lag servers! YAY!
one question. do they still have the X) before their server name?
July 30, 2003, 3:39 pm
yeah let linux users host but not play :(
Michal, i was trying to contact you by icq but i had no luck so far.
Ive managed to get the people from winehq to work on Soldat for Wine/Linux
and the game would easily work if it wasnt for the Antihack, so now were stuck
Plz Michal help us on this so we can finally have linux users play soldat as well
July 30, 2003, 4:25 pm
Would be a nice improvement if *real* linux servers had a penguin or something like that in front of them because some windows servers think it's funny to have an X) in front of their server name, although they aren't hosting on Linux.
Otherwise.. go linux go :)
Michal Marcinkowski
July 30, 2003, 4:44 pm
The servers don't have the "X)" anymore. The Soldat servers browser shows the operating system now.
skythe: I don't have ICQ. Please write me an e-mail with all the details.
July 30, 2003, 8:49 pm
k. thanks Michal. great job. so hows your vacation?
Tha Doggfather
July 30, 2003, 9:01 pm
how WAS your vacation, hes back now...
yes Michal, tell us :)
July 30, 2003, 10:34 pm
Tak, powiedz jak przezywales bez komputera? [;)]
Yes, tell us how you survived whitout a computer? [;)]
Poprostu luknij tu i skomentuj mozdierz...
Just look here and say what you think about the mortar...
July 31, 2003, 8:27 am
Has anyone else run into a problem with being kicked constantly on the linux servers? In the middle of a game I'll get a "wrong map version" message. It makes no sense, the map wasnt even changing.. annoying as the kick on map change due to wrong map version is, this random anytime kick is worse.
Michal Marcinkowski
July 31, 2003, 11:23 am
My vacation WAS great:) I didn't touch an electronic device for a week! When I returned suddenly my monitor feeled really big and I couldn't hit directly the windows buttons (like a computer noob) with my mouse:))
Ardaen: I think there was a problem with this with version 1.1.3, right?
July 31, 2003, 4:44 pm
I think there was a problem with it on map change, that bug has been around for a while. I dont remember it kicking in the middle of a game for that. But I didn't play 1.1.3 as much myself so I can't say for sure.
July 31, 2003, 8:35 pm
humm, Michal ive maild you no answer yet tho
anyways it doesnt look like the wine devs have any serious intention to work on soldat
dont ask me why ive tried to convince them for a few days but it looks like the only way would be
if you made antihack compatible to linux/wine which is probably hard / impossible work..
also theres a solution of which i dont want to think now so ill hope that you look into wine first
August 1, 2003, 8:34 pm
Hey, I downloaded this linux version of the server... and there's a really [:-censored]ty bug in it.
I have no idea why this is happening, at first I thought it could've been my connection, but then I tried it on another server and the same thing happened...
When a user with a low ping (below 20ms as far as I've noticed) starts playing, the server randomly kicks every user off, and leaves only 1 or 2 in the game. Any ideas why this might be happening? I've checked the ini file carefully and everything, and it's fine.
August 2, 2003, 4:45 am
Thats what I was talking about, for the users (well, me anyway) it gives the "wrong map version" error message. Speaking of that I saw the same thing happen on DNAGames twice today. Havent seen it before on a windows machine seems to happen more often on the linux bochs.
August 3, 2003, 6:53 am
It's never happened to me on Windows servers.
And on my linux server, it only happens if I play, and I usually have a <20ms ping.
It dumps all users with the message "Wrong Map Version", but it leaves 1-3 users in the game, weird. Michal, is there a way to trace this, to see where the problem is and let you know about it?
And also... I used to run a 1.1.3 (I think, not sure about the version number) linux server, and that never happened, but it eventually crashed (different bug), same with this version.. randomly crashes.
August 3, 2003, 6:39 pm
i've same problems with linux server, and one more thing: sometimes i cant login by admin program becouse it write that i give wrong password (but it is ok); i've to restart server on shell to make admin prog working again...
August 7, 2003, 1:11 am
yeah, i get the wrong map bug too :( really sucks
August 9, 2003, 5:02 pm
if possible set the deathmatch limit up to 30 ???????????
using linux server of course :PPp