August 3, 2003, 11:06 pm
Ok some of these have been brought up before but i improved them and added em on this list of my own.
1. Destroy the Objective
like a one-way inf mode, one team defends some object and the other teams gotta blow it up. pretty straight forward.
2. Cross the bridge
alpha team starts on left side of a bridge. everyone has to run across the bridge and reach some sort of beacon on the other side. when they get there, they score a point for alpha and are sent back to the left side of the bridge. Ofcourse the bravo team has to stop them. they would spawn about a half screen below the bridge and would have to shoot up the alphas getting one point per kill and they would prolly have s.guns to help them. first to the set amount of points wins.
3. King of the Hill
get ontop of a hill and shoot people that try to take it from you. scoring works by getting 1 point for every 30 seconds.
4. Dr. Dodgeball (not with a ball)
this was a very recent idea but dont get mad at me for putting it up again or stealing ideas or whatever. its ctf on a small map and you only have one gun that shoots some "freeze bullets" that make you freeze for 20 seconds and then you die. on each team a "doctor" is randomly chosen and they have the power to unfreeze team mates by either touching them or using a gun of their own. this game might also work with team dm style.
5. V.I.P.
defend one randomly chosen guy on ur team. if he dies u lose the round and the other team scores a point. the round is then restarted.
6. Hide and Seek
one team has 20 seconds to hide in a map with bushes and other scenery and the other team has 5 minutes to find them. the hiders have no guns. the seekers have a sniper and no grenades to make sure they just dont shoot all over the place. maybe to give it more of an objective, the hiders might have to sneek from bush to bush and get to some objective across the map to give 2 points for each person who reaches it. the only thing i cant think of is how to make sure the seekers dont camp there.
7. Higher Ground/Bomb Shelter
alpha team has to get up to the top of the map to avoid a flood that gradually rises. bravo team stops them. in the bomb shelter version alpha must get underground before a nuke falls. or maybe in either version both teams must reach saftey from the flood/nuke and eachother. then every player alive at the end of the round earns the team a point.
well thats my list, if u have any of ur own add them on to mine.
Tha Doggfather
August 3, 2003, 11:14 pm
ok number 1,3,4,5 have been said before and you havent changed them (maybe 4 a little)
number 2 is quite similair to number 1
number 6 is stupid IMHO
number 7 is the only one i like, sorry...
August 3, 2003, 11:34 pm
4 sounds nice but a bit too complicated:/.
5 sounds good.
6 may be cool but after a while it will start to bored.
all the others are basiclly.. not soldat metirial! (yay i didnt flamed)
imo ofcourse.
August 3, 2003, 11:39 pm
I like #3 and #7, the rest are stupid. And some one said #3 before.
August 3, 2003, 11:46 pm
i tried to put as much as i could that i already know that some of those have been said b4. i just tried to make a list of my favorites whether they are from me or other ppl. #2, 6 and 7 are the only ones i made, and i tried to put my twist on some of the other ones that werent simple modes like #1. but atleast u guys like some of them. :)
August 4, 2003, 12:14 am
Hey, man, i like it that you at least thought it out and clearly said what you want. Whether i dont like the idea or not, i prefer that the person at least TELLS me what hes trying to get. Anyway, I like no. 7, that sounds good. All the others, no. Acutally, 3 might work, but its sorta like inf.
August 4, 2003, 12:30 am
I like the idea of destroying a specified target that takes a number of bullets to destroy. Sounds cool, hehe.
Vip sounds pretty interesting too, but like most of these games, what if only 2 people were connected to the server, a lot of these games require 6+ people.
Hide and Seek is always cool, what about having like a team that is limited with knifes, while the other team is aloud to have a ruger/barret in their arsenal. Getting to an objective would be the goal, and the more people that were good enough hiders, the easier it would be to kill the campers. Or preferably make a thigh high bush area sorta like crops, near the objective so if the hiders arrive their they can sneak out and jump the campers.
Number 7 sounds too much like a contra/dbl dragon type mission on snes.
I had an idea of a game, but I just lost my thought.
August 5, 2003, 1:25 am
Nice ideas,i like numbers 5,6,7...
August 6, 2003, 1:49 am
thanks for not flamin guys ;)
everyone else try to empty out ur ideas here, if we fill the post enough maybe michal will read it. (i wonder if he reads them all?)
August 6, 2003, 2:20 am
According to popular myth he in fact looks at all our ideas and takes them into consideration. Whether this is true or not is not known. [:D]
August 6, 2003, 6:26 am
hehe, he does look at some. i know he does, i've seen many ideas from this forum implemented.
Number 5 worked really really well for Action Quake2 and Counter-Strike. I'd love to see that gamemode for Soldat.
It's more fun when there are two VIPs, one on each team. So, it's more like a gang war than anything. The VIPs would have to wear a different colored jacket though. Something like Pink for the red team and Purple for the Blue...
The only problem with this gamemode is it works best with elimination, which isn't too popular with the Soldat community...
August 6, 2003, 6:33 am
Yeah, people never like to sit around and watch cm high soldats run around. Not exactly fun for more than 20 seconds.
Nonetheless, it could be fun. VIP, that is. Now that i look at it more, it would be enjoyable
August 6, 2003, 8:38 am
It's all about VIP and King of the Hill.
August 6, 2003, 9:50 pm
Yet another game mode idea, compliments to perfect dark
8. Hacker
DM Style on a large map. Somewhere in the level is a data uplink that players can pick up. once a player has the uplink, they must find a computer in the level, when a player with the uplink reaches the computer, a progress bar appears and takes 20 seconds to finish. after the download is complete that player gets a point. ofcourse 20 seconds arent easy to find when others players come after you for the uplink. if uve ever played PD u'll know how much fun that is.
ill keep thinking of more, how about u guys??????
please add your ideas!
August 6, 2003, 10:26 pm
there r some nice ideas here, and some i dont like. i like the idea of no. 1, having an objective that would take a certain number of bullets to destroy, or maybe selecting dynamite as a secondary weap (but it can be disarmed). no.3 might work, but i think it would have to be less than 30 seconds (maybe it should be customizable). No. 4 could only be fun wiht a lot of ppl (16 or more). i like the V.I.P idea, but it would still only work with many ppl. i like the idea of having one V.I.P per team. I dont like the idea of Hide and Seek, mainly because of the campers. No. 7 might be cool, maybe a version where the two teams are separated by a wall (so they cant shoot each other), and a version where they can.
August 6, 2003, 11:49 pm
ok straight off
1.dont like
2.dont like
4.dont like
6.dont like
Oh and 3. i mentioned on my topic aswell. its called "Game Modes"
--Text from double posting:
O and I thought of the King of the Hill idea b4 this eh SGT. U can check it.
the name is "NEW GAME MODES!" and check the date of my first post. its 14 days b4 this one
btw, please don't double post.
:(Real sorry bout that ill try to remember:(
August 9, 2003, 10:46 am
Yeah i liked most of the ideas sugested. On the note of hide and seek we played a pointmatch with this mode in mind. With realistic mode on, we had to find a spot angd hide there, kill the seeker and u get the flag, i think it would make a good formal game mode, as there were some problems with people killing each other and stuff.
August 9, 2003, 11:33 am
sorry it isn't anything to do with the topic guys but i want to play this game it sounds so cool but i keep having this problem can someone please help?when i try to play soldat, if in the setup i put on intro then i hear it but don't see it so i turn it off, i get in the first screen and say ok cause i havn't registered. then i get to the next screen and set it up and everything but after i hit the start button all i get is the first screen where it asks you to buy weapons and it freezes right there evvery time. i have looked in every faq there is and changed every option in the setup, i have changed the graphics performance and resolution and bitrate but nothing works i would be very greatful if you could help. thanx
August 9, 2003, 2:56 pm
ur comp is too old and cant run soldat same like my old one
August 9, 2003, 4:37 pm
Wait a sec? It's not really important to anything but r u buying weapons or picking from ur base or w/e? I no u don't buy them with ur own money so don't bring that up :D
August 9, 2003, 4:46 pm
Are you running Zone Alarm in the background? It always crashes Team Games with me :(
August 9, 2003, 4:47 pm
Hmm Post this in the "Need Help/Bugs" Forum. It'll help.
August 10, 2003, 12:37 am
yes, going a little off topic is ok but this shouldnt even be in the improvements room