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Petition for new forum and moderator.
Soldat Forums - Misc - Forum News and Support
August 5, 2003, 10:20 am
Why don't you make a Soldat fan forum where all of this member will post fan movies, pictures, or other things that are made for Soldat?
And make mew moderator for this one pls.

August 5, 2003, 10:23 am
There already is Soldat Fan Area Which has the following forums, Clan Recruitment, Web Pages, and Tournaments.

Mabe just make more forums in that area ....

August 5, 2003, 11:33 am
A fan art forum? Someone said that to me a couple of weeks ago (more talking about movies) but adding another fan forum's not a problem...

Tha Doggfather
August 5, 2003, 11:35 am
yeah id like that, limp bizkit had a fan art forum too, i sumbitted my singa pics to it :) do you guys remember those, i think i posted them here too.

August 5, 2003, 1:30 pm
Hey can i be a mod there?
I have amde the best movie for soldat.

August 5, 2003, 1:39 pm
Well, I could be the movie guy in there..

I'd like to see such a category.. comics, drawings, movies, songs (?) etc.
I volunteer to moderate it ;)

August 5, 2003, 4:12 pm
I first asked to moderate it.

Tha Doggfather
August 5, 2003, 4:27 pm
lol first come first serve?

August 5, 2003, 8:09 pm

August 5, 2003, 8:28 pm
M:I want to mod the forums!
b00sta: No, let ME mod it!
M: Well, I asked first, so ha!
that might be pretty neat

August 5, 2003, 9:30 pm
I say we let b00sta mod it, he has contributed to Soldat more than M imo (IRC scripts, first to do movies, etc.)

August 5, 2003, 10:05 pm
Let the admin choose which will be. That will be me because.
1. I play soldat one year.
2. Registered on the first forums that now are dead.
3. Registered in this forum in October 2002 few days after opening
4. Created the first comic for Soldat.
5. Made the first movie for soldat.
6. Created 4 to 5 unnoficial soldat forums.
7. Registered Soldat.
8. Created over 7 mods.
9. Created over 10 maps all with waypoints.
10. The first guy to reccomend this game for the Macedonian most popular computer show "Enter" so there will be more Macedonian in September.
11. The one that asked Mcihal for map maker.
12. The one who asked Michal to make thing to change the name of the weapons.
13. The guy who recommend this game to friends and one large internet cafe.
14.Plays soldat untill 1.0.2 .
15. Created the idea about the movies, pictures, etc.
All of that is true.
And i am a great fan of Soldat.

Tha Doggfather
August 5, 2003, 10:08 pm
now b00sta has to make a list too! :D SHOWDOWN!

August 5, 2003, 10:22 pm
Can b00sta come up with a list anywhere near as impressive as m's? We think you'll know soon, folks...

August 5, 2003, 10:45 pm
i think this is sad that he has to make a list to point out why he should be u know if u just sat back and waited for it to happen u prolly would have got it but now who knows u might u might not

August 5, 2003, 10:47 pm
M, I hope you realise hardly ANY of that list matters when it comes to being a moderator for a specific forum.

August 6, 2003, 8:09 am
Well then let dna choose which moderator will moderate that.
IF you think i am depressive for mod position i am not.

August 6, 2003, 8:13 am
pfffftt.. i wish everyone would stop fighting over being moderator and crap, as i said before, DNA is the one which makes the decisions and peopel cant impress DNA with a list of things u've done :|

In other words, if DNA thinks that list is all very impressive and thinks u'd make a mad Moderator then he'd let u ba a moderator, end of story..

August 6, 2003, 6:55 pm
Who is fighting to become a moderator? I'm not.
Seems like you don't want to solve this normally...
I said the following:
"Well, I could be the movie guy in there..

I'd like to see such a category.. comics, drawings, movies, songs (?) etc.
I volunteer to moderate it ;)"
The movie guy. I can help with movies and I can give constructive help.
Oh and btw there can be more than ONE mod.

Now, just to NOT disappoint you, here's my "my penis is bigger than yours"-reply part:

1. I've been playing Soldat since 1.0.4b which came out 06.08.2002 what EXACTLY is one year ago.
2. I beta-tested 1.0.5b (thanks to dolny)
3. I beta-tested 1.1.0b
4. I beta-tested 1.1.3b
5. Registered on the first forums, too.
6. Me: Member Since: 13 Oct 2002 (current forums)
- -You: Member Since: 18 Oct 2002
7. Registered Soldat.
8. Scripted "Soldat Log analyzer" in mIRC.
9. Scripted "Soldat Central" in mIRC.
10. Scripted "Soldat Live bot" in mIRC.
11. Published one map.
12.Told Michal about a weapon select bug related to the Soldat.ini
13.I have been managing the biggest Soldat clan list.
14.Have been moderator in the forum before the current one.
15.Continued being moderator in the current forum for a while.
All of that is true.
And I don't have to mention that I'm a great fan of Soldat I think.
There are some things being approved by Michal that I better not tell you.

Ok now.
I don't care about this damn list.
I don't care wether I become mod or not. It's not like my LIFE DEPENDS ON IT.
But I know that I was moderator and it seems like DNA.styx liked my work
because he asked me if I'd like to become moderator again.

August 6, 2003, 7:10 pm
quote:14.Have been moderator in the forum before the current one.
Well you was a moderator.
How bout me a moderator for change.

August 6, 2003, 7:18 pm
Oh geez M if u wanna be a moderator you get asked to be one, and you certainly dont even know the forum rules.
Besides you are too [:-propeller]

August 6, 2003, 7:25 pm
What that is supposed to be?

August 6, 2003, 7:40 pm
Look in the mirror

August 9, 2003, 6:14 pm
Ahahaha, that was funny Ta-2.

B00sta is more literate than M as well.

August 9, 2003, 6:38 pm
i noticed that enjoy is the only active moderator nowdays....

August 9, 2003, 7:01 pm
Yeah, everyone had a big discussion/arguement in 'new moderator petition'....but its all sorted now. Apparently. Personally I think the moderating team needs refining *cough* Toadsmoke and Abortion *cough* but I've promised to shut up about that so I will say no more.

August 9, 2003, 7:16 pm
Ah hahaha...well, I'd have to say that's pretty much true...no offense to the other mods. I'm not worried about them taking offense, seeing as how the only admin/mod that will ever read this is DNA.styx. The others are "too busy with their intense social lives" to post in the period of a few months. Granted, I don't have a real job anymore because I just went back to school, but school occupies the time from 6:30 in the morning until 4:00 in the afternoon...but come on, I think they should be able to find time to get on at least once every 3 days. Is that too much to ask? I think that it shouldn't be, or if you think it is, you shouldn't be a moderator. But that's just my opinion. Point your plastic finger at me if you want; I could care less.


August 9, 2003, 8:32 pm
Ok, guys, time to wrap this thread up, a point has been made, a response posted. If there are no new valid points to be raised I'll show this thread down in a day or two.