August 7, 2003, 2:39 am
Join the Kiith-Sa Hunters! Email me If you would like me to recruit you... if i am busy at the moment i will direct you to another hunter to recruit you :)
Kiith-Sa Hunters -- MHX
[:-devil] We Are The Future..[:-devil]
August 7, 2003, 3:43 am
arrrr 3 threads for this stuff, keep it all to 1 thread next time. kthxbye
John Wayne
August 7, 2003, 4:13 am
wouldn't do me much good to try out. i always get booted when i start winning a match on any mhx server.
August 7, 2003, 7:24 am
they they r idiots i played with 2 MHX people before.. it went SOMETHING like this after i joined and started playign and stuff :
MHX GUY : hey what does GA stand for? Gay Amateurs, HAHAHAHAH
eyic : umm no, Golden Angels, well what does your clan stand for?
MHX GUY : Hunters
eyic wtf, how does the MHX represent Hunters? LOL
MHX GUY : hey dont mess with us we've been around in soldat for 6 years.
eyic{GA} : "cough" right (they were too stupid to know that sodlat hasnt been around for 6 years..)
then i left, i forgot why ....
anyway it iddnt go exactly liek that but a lot liek that :P
anyways somone tell me what soudns better... "Golden Angels" or "Hunters" and somone prove to me that soldat has been aroudn for 6 years... coz THAT IS SO BULL [:-censored]
come on now you MHX guys better not say oh our name is "Kiith-Sa Hunter" because opne of ur stupid peoples said that its called "Hunters" (lame name) and btw were ta [:-censored] did u get the idea that soldat was aroudn for 6 years? :| (lmfao)
I suggest that NO BODY joins a clan which doesnt even know soldats date of birth!