Okay, I searched this, so if its a repeat, I didn't know. I don't think Soldat needs anymore weapons or gameplay features added. I think that there could be some more, but I can't think of any. So I came up with this idea. How bout instead of adding on small things, in the next version you add a single player mission mode. I knwo your thinkin well that would suck cause the whole game is about multiplayer. Well, what if u make a really long map, and give a mission, and change the AI a bit, and it could work. Maybe have a mission where all u have is a secondary weapon and C4, u have to get to one end of the map, blow up an objective, then get back. This mode would also be good for allowing vehicles, since there wouldn't be bullets and morter shells flying. I dunno, It would be really cool, so don't down play this about how it would be taking the whole effect from Soldat, cause it wouldn't, u would have the exact same game, except u could pick that way to play. Think about it, he puts a choice of two buttons at a secondary main menu, "campaign" or "multiplayer". Shoot, this would be really cool. You could make a base with sattionary weapons and u would have to infiltrate and steal a secret document or something. I think this would also be great casue it would add on to what can be done to the game since there isn't much left for the multiplayer and online stuff. Michal could release campaigns and a campaign editor. This would be so cool! Please post as I wan't to hear of any GOOD negative responses that have to do with REAL problems, not, "It would ruin soldat for no good reason"...[:P]
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Also, check out my clan[:D] http://cyberspaceva.tripod.com