August 13, 2003, 11:42 pm
this was brought up w.my ' what happened to the barret ' topic sooo:
how about a timer on prone, so you can only prone like 4 secs, then have to wait 4 more secs to do it again..this would elimiate alot of the barret campers without getting rid of anything
August 13, 2003, 11:44 pm
umm no.
I don't use the barret and I would rather have barreters camping than using it in the frontlines.
August 14, 2003, 12:53 am
1) you dont use the barret anyways so you dont have to put up w.ppl calling you a noob/camper/whatnot
2) youd rather have a sniper be able to bust you 1/2 way across the map before you even got a chance to get anywhere
3) you dont want the barret used in the front lines because your afraid of being owned :D
have any vaild points against me besides ' you dont like ',
to me this section is for game improvments/suggestions, stuff everyone can benifit from, not just because ' i dont like it ',
ppl mearly add ideas, its up to the programmers to decide if its added or not anyways
August 14, 2003, 1:13 am
crap idea, prone isnt just for camping. 0% support.
August 14, 2003, 1:18 am
And what if I want to defend the base? I don't want to be forced to get up every 4 seconds and probably never see half the guys coming because I keep getting up.
August 14, 2003, 1:26 am
well, this is what i said..
quote:Originally posted by morpheus
something i've never really understood is when you're just standing there for a few seconds you starting scratching your head, but if you're prone you're good to go no matter how long you lay there.
nothing there about going "unprone" after a few seconds, i just sometimes wish my little soldat wouldn't start doing stuff on his own when i take a sip of coke, or whatever else i may be doing.
anyways, i don't care much for this idea.
juice _ box
August 14, 2003, 2:11 am
i wish my soldat had a ciggeret in his mouth when he spawned ;_; he looks so cool.
no i love prone
August 14, 2003, 3:26 am
quote:Originally posted by dustin
3) you dont want the barret used in the front lines because your afraid of being owned :D
^^^ that was posted by u are u afriad of getting owned thats what it sounds like me u a feaking noob as i see it i have read both topics and i really feel your a noob for complaining about stuff that doesnt matter
so everyone is camping with the barret there are few that can do it well cuz it takes timing
ill admit i camp with the barret but i can use any of the weapon fairly well i might die alot but oh well
matter afact i was playing on my server getting called a noob cuz i was owning someones ass and after a while he left u could just do that too
this idea is stupid and would be pointless would have no use in the game
cuz when your really out in the feilds u have campers and stuff like that and soldat is part real part fantisay(sorry spelling)
so i mean in your life can u only lay down for 4 secs at a time i know for a fact that u atleast lay down an hour atleast an hour if not more
August 14, 2003, 3:52 am
mr bob: first, let me laugh at your stupidity (laughs), youre calling me a n00b, do you even relize what the word means anyways, and pls learn how to type, i wont even begin to correct your typos, or are you some kind of n00b :P (and yes i know i over use ,'s )
HC_ScubaSteve: thats why there would be a time limit, and if you dont camp why would you worry about the time limit.?
BManx2000: i got bored and timed this..it takes 1 second to prone and look ahead then get back up so then you get 3 secs to take a shot, i dont know your skill level but it takes me 2 secs to sight in from a distance and shoot, and if you want to defend your base and you sit and wait isnt that camping or have i misunderstood on what camping is.?
- notices that most of the ppl that have replied w.meaningless posts like ' i camp w.the barret ' seem kind of n00bish (laughs)
and instead of replying to me saying ' jo0 m0/\/\/\/\4 ' just msg me and we'll set up a 1-1 DM and settle it there if anyone has a problem....this was merly a suggestion
August 14, 2003, 5:21 am
Not a good idea, at all. Not even as an option. If you're having problems with a camping sniper, wait for someone to go before you ,and when he gets shot, you'll have at least 6.5 secs to find the sniper and take care of him. Prone's fine the way it is, since it can also be used for hiding when low on health and making stealthy suprise attacks. If you're slowly prone-crawling your way to a defended flag and you have to stand up, you're screwed hard.
August 14, 2003, 9:11 am
i'd just like to have this oppurtinity to say : STFU DUSTIN YA N00B!
ah i feel much better now :)
juice _ box
August 14, 2003, 9:21 am
ey eyic, dustin is no noob. Hes in meh clan and just hates camping :/
people need to stop judging skill by [:-censored]ing post count.
August 14, 2003, 10:53 pm
it wouldnt stop camping, they would just crouch, but time limit would be gay
August 15, 2003, 7:04 am
- gets bored and replies to this again
the timer was mearly a suggestion, and idea to elborate on somethign else, i didnt say ' USE THE DAMN TIMER '
and i continue to laugh at the ppl calling me a noob (i belive most ppl dont even belive were it comes from or what it really means anyways)....as i have said, if i truely am a noob then beat me in a game
Note: noone has taken up the challenege yet (i take that back, i met mr. bob er whatever his name is in a server and killed him 20 times to him killing me 4 times, but what do i know, im just a noob)
August 15, 2003, 8:55 am
quote:Originally posted by mr_bob
matter afact i was playing on my server getting called a noob cuz i was owning someones ass and after a while he left u could just do that too
i'm preety sure he called you a noob cuz you camped and not cuz of your skill (yes, i afraid that camping doesnt invlove with any kind of skill, barret is point and click WHILE camping. and i would very much like to see you proove me otherwise. note: i didnt said barret is a point and click as an assault, i just say while camping).
wow that was a long ( ) thing :/
juice _ box
August 15, 2003, 9:06 am
i love camping with a barret, But you wanna know somthing really cool? I dont give a flying [:-censored] if its noob style i enjoy it and your [:-censored]ing opinion is [:-censored]. :D go play outside now
August 15, 2003, 11:17 am
quote:Originally posted by juice _ box
ey eyic, dustin is no noob. Hes in meh clan and just hates camping :/
people need to stop judging skill by [:-censored]ing post count.
im not judging him by his post count, im just angry at him for comign up with this idea, i never judge people by post count , after all i was new to the forum once too ya know :D
August 15, 2003, 4:00 pm
This sux! ill give u a..... DUH! This sux!
juice _ box
August 15, 2003, 4:06 pm
can you change your avatar please? that thing is so [:-censored]ing ugly.
August 15, 2003, 5:28 pm
yanno instead of calling me names and bashing my idea i would like ppl to reply and tell me WHY it sucks rather than just ' it sucks i dont like it '..but like i said in another topic i think the majority of ppl replying to this are a bunch of lame campers anyways but thats my opinion, just like you all have given me an opinion, can anyone back up their claims w.facts i.e.: this is a bad idea because it would bog down a server (i know thats not right but you get what im saying)
August 15, 2003, 8:01 pm
Dude ! Let the campers Camp ! And Let them Prone theyre Ass off ! If they camp, Avoid them.. That easy.. Eighter That Or just kill them !
August 15, 2003, 8:53 pm
oh i plan on doing that, and do kill them anyways but really..its annoying to here a bunch of (seems like little kids who sneak online when mommy isnt home) ppl ranting calling me a noob because i had an idea
if they were so just in their views you think atleast 1 would atleast take the open challenge i gave them
August 16, 2003, 1:41 am
Dude it is sooooooooooo damn easy to just shoot the guy. SO WHY THE HELL DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE THE WHOLE DAMN GAME INSTEAD OF SHOOTING THEM?!?!?!?!
August 16, 2003, 5:24 am
i didnt say change the whole damn game and im tired of pointless replies so mods PLS lock this
that fuking sniper
August 16, 2003, 5:30 am
No, camping is a part of the game, get over it.