August 16, 2003, 7:13 am
Hi all I just recently downloaded Soldat and its a great game but I have a problem when I go to run a server. When I choose the ctf gamemode I can't pick for the 15+ maps I have downloaded. All of the maps are in the folder and when I hit the arrow to toggle the maps only six show up and I can't choose the rest. Any help would be appriecated.
August 16, 2003, 7:44 am
make sure that are in the soldat/maps folder first and then check and see if they are in the .pms for if they arent tell us what form they are in and we might be able to help u
August 16, 2003, 9:13 am
Ok yes that would be the problem, most of the ones I downloaded are in .PMP format, so I guess I need to convert to .PMS. Is there a program that will do this?
August 16, 2003, 1:08 pm
Use The Mapeditor.. Loade The .PMP Compile them And Save them As .PMS